first=class functions - in js we can treat function as anyother type like assign something value/function, put in array
joyent -> node.js -> v8 -> cpp
function statment function greet() { console.log('hiiii !'); } greet() // hiiii !
// 1. functions are first-class in js
function callFunc(fn) { fn(); } callFunc(greet); // hiiii !
// 2. function expression
var greetMe2 = function () { console.log('Hi from expresssion !! '); } greetMe2(); callFunc(greetMe2); //Hi from expresssion !!
//3. function express on the fly
callFunc(function(){ console.log('hiiii !') });
app.js greet.js app.js require('./greet.js') greet.js function greet() { console.log('hiiii !'); } greet()
note: greet function in greet.js will not collid with greet function in app.js else or the greet function will not be avaiable in app.js directly to call like greet(); its a very good feature of nodejs like modularized !
RUN node app.js
if you want to make greet() function from greet.js avaiable in app.js here is what we need to do
app.js var greet = require('./greet') greet(); greet.js var greet = function () { console.log('Hello!'); } module.exports = greet;
when we use require node method what actually happens ??? this is the reason why the function and variable in required files are not available in global scope.
var greet = require('./greet.js');
1- wraps the containt of the file in
(function(exports, require, module, __filenmae, __dirname) { });
2- run the code using . apply(params...)
fn(module.exports, require, module, filename, dirname);
3- return the module.exports;
return module.exports;
Note: when we requires a file in nodejs and that file does not exist nodejs will look for the folder with same name and pickup index.js in that folder.
do exmaple
// Greet 01
module.exports = function() { console.log('Hello world'); };
// Greet 02
module.exports.greet = function() { console.log('Hello world!'); };
// Greet 03
function Greetr() { this.greeting = 'Hello world!!'; this.greet = function() { console.log(this.greeting); } } module.exports = new Greetr();
// Greet 04
function Greetr() { this.greeting = 'Hello world!!!'; this.greet = function() { console.log(this.greeting); } } module.exports = Greetr;
// Greet 05
var greeting = 'Hello world!!!!'; function greet() { console.log(greeting); } module.exports = { greet: greet }
var greet = require('./greet1'); greet(); var greet2 = require('./greet2').greet; greet2(); var greet3 = require('./greet3'); greet3.greet(); greet3.greeting = 'Changed hello world!'; var greet3b = require('./greet3'); greet3b.greet(); var Greet4 = require('./greet4'); var grtr = new Greet4(); grtr.greet(); var greet5 = require('./greet5').greet; greet5();
Copy prototype of Super to Sub using util.inherits
var EventEmitter = require('events'); var util = require('util'); function Greetr() { // 2. Line below is the way to add all properties and methods which are added to constructor function and not added via prototype // like a super call; this.greeting = 'Hello world!'; } //1. Following lines copies all prototype properties and methods from EventEmitter to Greetr, in another works Greetr no inherites EventEmitter util.inherits(Greetr, EventEmitter); Greetr.prototype.greet = function(data) { console.log(this.greeting + ': ' + data); this.emit('greet', data); } var greeter1 = new Greetr(); greeter1.on('greet', function(data) { console.log('Someone greeted!: ' + data); }); greeter1.greet('Tony');
Node does things asynchronous V8 does not. Javascript is synchronous
All node asynchronous code hadled my libuv for more info visit
try nodemon