Tarantool connector for Lua.
It Supports luajit, lua5.2 and lua5.1
Everything is simple:
Connection = require("tarantool")
def_schema = {
spaces = {
[0] = {
fields = {'string', 'number32', 'number64'},
indexes = {
[0] = {0},
[1] = {1},
[2] = {0, 1, 2},
[1] = {
funcs = {
'box.time64' = {
['in'] = {},
['out'] = {'number64'}
'another stored procedur' = {
} -- it's just an example. Schema may be smaller, simpler and more beautiful.
new_con = Connection{host = "", port=33013, timeout=10, schema=def_schema}
new_con:insert(0, {'hello', 123, 123456})
new_con:insert(0, {'hello_1', 123, 1234567})
new_con:select(0, 1, 'hello')
You may install this library with luarocks:
# latest (unstable) version
$ wget https://raw.github.com/bigbes92/tarantool-lua/master/rocks/tarantool-latest-1.rockspec
# latest (stable) version
$ wget https://raw.github.com/bigbes92/tarantool-lua/master/rocks/tarantool-0.0.1-1.rockspec
$ luarocks install tarantool-{VERSION}.rockspec --local