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Initial staging. Contains files for testing synthetic data as well as…
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… reading in collected data for analysis. Basic plotting funcitons as well to visualize model
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spiderpig212 committed Jul 13, 2022
0 parents commit b179322
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Showing 8 changed files with 898 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Wehr lab TWARHMM analysis
This package serves as the base analysis package for analyzing Wehr lab
data with Timewarped Autoregressive Hidden Markov Models
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions twARHMM_analysis/
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Contains a series of paths to make our scripts work on any machine. Do not
edit this file dirctly. Instead, make a copy and call it Do not
have push to github, just SETTINGS_copy

local_raw_data_dir = "/path/to/local/path"
local_processed_data_dir = "/path/to/local/path"
ion_nas = "/path/to/ion-nas/mount"
wehr_nas = "/path/to/wehr-nas/mount"

Can add additional paths to this as needed if certain pahts are ubiquitous
across scripts
Empty file added twARHMM_analysis/
Empty file.
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions twARHMM_analysis/
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@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
from copy import deepcopy
import scipy as sp
from sklearn import datasets as ds
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import ssm

#%% generating blobs of data
sample_size = 10000
# centers = [[-10, -10, -10, -10], [-5, -5, -5, -5], [0, 0, 0, 0], [5, 5, 5, 5], [10, 10, 10, 10], [20, 20, 20, 20]]
centers = [-10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15]
blobs_x, blobs_y, blob_centers = ds.make_blobs(n_samples=sample_size, n_features=1, centers=3,
shuffle=False, return_centers=True,
cluster_std=0.5, random_state=30)
x_range = np.arange(sample_size)

for feature in range(blobs_x.shape[1]):
plt.scatter(x_range, blobs_x[:, feature])

#%% storing blobs into data frame
df = pd.DataFrame()
for feature in range(blobs_x.shape[1]):
column_name = "feature_{}".format(feature)
df[column_name] = blobs_x[:, feature]
df[column_name] = 2*((df[column_name] - df[column_name].min())/(max(df[column_name]) - min(df[column_name]))) - 1

df["time"] = x_range
df["state"] = blobs_y
states = np.unique(df.state)
# plt.scatter(df["time"], df["feature_1"], c=df["cluster_labels"], label=states)
# cb = plt.colorbar()
# loc = np.arange(0, max(states), max(states)/float(len(states)))
# cb.set_ticks(loc)
# cb.set_ticklabels(states)
# plt.legend()

state_groups = df.groupby("state")

for state, group in state_groups:
plt.scatter(group.time, group.feature_0, label=state)


save_frame = df.drop(columns=["state", "time"])
#%% State quantification/HMM fitting

num_states = 4 # number of discrete states
observation_class = 'autoregressive'
obs_dim = 1 # dimensionality of observation
transitions = 'sticky'
kappa = 1E6 # self-transition probability prior. Can affect duration of behaviors found by model
AR_lags = 3 # How many previous values to ignore when deciding on auto-correlation?
iters = 100
hmm = ssm.HMM(num_states, obs_dim,
observations=observation_class, observation_kwargs={'lags': AR_lags},
transitions=transitions, transition_kwargs={'kappa': kappa})
#hmm = ssm.HMM(num_states, obs_dim)

hmm_lls =, method="em", num_iters=iters)
Z = hmm.most_likely_states(save_frame)
Ps = hmm.expected_states(save_frame)
TM = hmm.transitions.transition_matrix

match_frame1 = deepcopy(df)
match_frame1["predicted_state"] = Z
times = np.arange(iters+1)
plt.plot(times, hmm_lls)
plt.title("log likelihoods")
state_groups = match_frame1.groupby("predicted_state")

for state, group in state_groups:
plt.scatter(group.time, group.feature_0, marker='o', label=state)

272 changes: 272 additions & 0 deletions twARHMM_analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
from copy import deepcopy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as ss
import ssm

def rand_jitter(arr):
stdev = .01 * (max(arr) - min(arr))
return arr + np.random.randn(len(arr)) * stdev

def jitter(arr, frac):
jitter_value = (np.random.random(len(arr))-0.5)*2*frac
jitteredArr = arr + jitter_value
return jitteredArr

#%% Define general variables
time_points = 20000
observations = 4
obs_labels = ["crange", "musSpeed", "crickSpeed", "azimuth"]
# obs 1 = crange, obs 2 = mouse speed, obs 3 = cricket speed, obs 4 = azimuth
global_states = 3
# state 1 = search, state 2 = pursuit, state 3 = catch
local_states = 2

#%% Define parameter space

crange_dict = {
1: [0, 40], # range in cm
2: [0, 20],
3: [0, 1],
mouse_speed_dict = {
1: [0, 4], # speed in cm/s
2: [6, 15],
3: [0, 1],
cricket_speed_dict = {
1: [0, 2], # speed in cm/s
2: [6, 30],
3: [0, 1],

azimuth_dict = {
1: [-180, 180], # angle in degrees
2: [-15, 15],
3: [-2, 2],
param_dict = {
obs_labels[0]: crange_dict,
obs_labels[1]: mouse_speed_dict,
obs_labels[2]: cricket_speed_dict,
obs_labels[3]: azimuth_dict,

#%% Generating values to fill table
# Initialize storage arrays for matrix columns

sim_data_dict = {
obs_labels[0]: np.empty(time_points),
obs_labels[1]: np.empty(time_points),
obs_labels[2]: np.empty(time_points),
obs_labels[3]: np.empty(time_points),
"global_state": np.empty(time_points),
"local_state": np.empty(time_points),

sim_data = pd.DataFrame(sim_data_dict)
true_frame = deepcopy(sim_data)
for label in obs_labels:
true_frame[label+"_std"] = np.nan

for point in range(time_points):
state = np.random.randint(0, 3) + 1
local_state = np.random.randint(0, 2) + 1[point, "global_state"] = state[point, "local_state"] = local_state[point, "global_state"] = state[point, "local_state"] = local_state

for i, obs in enumerate(obs_labels):
# Create a dictionary that splits each global state into 2 local states using the mean value.
local_state_dict = {
1: np.sort([np.min(param_dict[obs][state]), np.mean(param_dict[obs][state])]),
2: np.sort([np.max(param_dict[obs][state]), np.mean(param_dict[obs][state])])
# Get sample range for local state within global state and then pull a random value from that range
sample_range = local_state_dict[local_state]
value = np.random.normal(np.mean(sample_range), np.std(sample_range)/2, size=1)[point, obs] = value
# Store the true mean and std around said mean[point, obs] = np.mean(sample_range)[point, obs+"_std"] = np.std(sample_range)

glob_col = deepcopy(true_frame.global_state)
loc_col = deepcopy(true_frame.local_state)
# Normalize between -1 and 1
# for column in sim_data.keys():
# sim_data[column] = 2*((sim_data[column] - sim_data[column].min())/(max(sim_data[column]) - min(sim_data[column]))) - 1
# true_frame[column] = 2*((true_frame[column] - true_frame[column].min())/(max(true_frame[column]) - min(true_frame[column]))) - 1
# for column in true_frame.iloc[:, [-4,-3,-2,-1]].keys():
# true_frame[column] = 2 * ((true_frame[column] - true_frame[column].min()) / (
# max(true_frame[column]) - min(true_frame[column]))) - 1
# sim_data["global_state"] = glob_col
# sim_data["local_state"] = loc_col
# true_frame["global_state"] = glob_col
# true_frame["local_state"] = loc_col

#%% Sanity check for data
sim_global_means = sim_data.groupby("global_state").mean()

indi_means = sim_data.groupby(["global_state", "local_state"]).mean()

true_indi_groups = true_frame.groupby(["global_state", "local_state"]).mean()

#TODO: graph the true value +- STD and then plot sim on top
fig = plt.gcf()

gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2)
gs.update(left=0.08, right=0.98, top=0.95, bottom=0.175, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.5)

crange_plot = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0])
musSpeed_plot = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1])
crickSpeed_plot = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0])
azimuth_plot = plt.subplot(gs[1, 1])

plots = [crange_plot, musSpeed_plot, crickSpeed_plot, azimuth_plot]
colors_true = ['red', 'blue']
colors_sim = ['orange', 'purple']

for i, label in enumerate(obs_labels):
plot = plots[i]
for glob_state in range(1, 4):
for loc_state in range(1, 3):
true_state_frame = true_frame[(true_frame.global_state == glob_state) & (true_frame.local_state == loc_state)]
true_state_means = true_state_frame[label]
true_state_std = true_state_frame[label+"_std"]

sim_state_frame = sim_data[(sim_data.global_state == glob_state) & (sim_data.local_state == loc_state)]
sim_state_values = sim_state_frame[label]

x_vals = np.ones(len(sim_state_values))*glob_state
plot.errorbar(glob_state, true_state_means.iloc[0], yerr=true_state_std.iloc[0], marker='x', mec=colors_true[loc_state-1])

plot.plot(jitter(x_vals, 0.1), sim_state_values, 'o', mec=colors_sim[loc_state-1], alpha=0.3)
plot.set_xticks([1, 2, 3])

crickSpeed_plot.set_xlabel("Global state")
azimuth_plot.set_xlabel("Global state")
labels = ["Local state 1", "sim data 1", "Local state 2", "sim data 2"]
plt.legend(labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1.3), ncol=4)

save_frame = sim_data.drop(columns=["global_state", "local_state"])

#%% testing HMM?

num_states = 3 # number of discrete states
observation_class = 'autoregressive'
obs_dim = 4 # dimensionality of observation
transitions = 'sticky'
kappa = 100 # self-transition probability prior. Can affect duration of behaviors found by model
AR_lags = 3 # How many previous values to ignore when deciding on auto-correlation?
iters = 30
hmm = ssm.HMM(num_states, obs_dim,
observations=observation_class, observation_kwargs={'lags': AR_lags},
transitions=transitions, transition_kwargs={'kappa': kappa})

hmm_lls =, method="em", num_iters=iters)
Z = hmm.most_likely_states(save_frame)
Ps = hmm.expected_states(save_frame)
TM = hmm.transitions.transition_matrix

match_frame1 = deepcopy(sim_data)
match_frame1["predicted_state"] = Z
times = np.arange(iters+1)
plt.plot(times, hmm_lls)
plt.title("log likelihoods")
print(match_frame1.groupby(["global_state", "local_state"])["predicted_state"].mean())

# kappa = 1E6 # transition probability
# AR_lags = 3
# hmm = ssm.HMM(num_states, obs_dim,
# observations=observation_class, observation_kwargs={'lags': AR_lags},
# transitions=transitions, transition_kwargs={'kappa': kappa})
# hmm_lls =, method="em", num_iters=iters)
# Z = hmm.most_likely_states(save_frame)
# Ps = hmm.expected_states(save_frame)
# TM = hmm.transitions.transition_matrix
# match_frame2 = deepcopy(sim_data)
# match_frame2["predicted_state"] = Z

#%% Hierarchical state finding
num_states = 6
kappa = 40 # self-transition probability prior. Can affect duration of behaviors found by model
AR_lags = 2 # How many previous values to ignore when deciding on auto-correlation?
iters = 30
hmm = ssm.HMM(num_states, obs_dim,
observations=observation_class, observation_kwargs={'lags': AR_lags},
transitions=transitions, transition_kwargs={'kappa': kappa})

hmm_lls =, method="em", num_iters=iters)
Z = hmm.most_likely_states(save_frame)
Ps = hmm.expected_states(save_frame)
TM = hmm.transitions.transition_matrix

match_frame3 = deepcopy(sim_data)
match_frame3["predicted_state"] = Z
times = np.arange(iters+1)
plt.plot(times, hmm_lls)
plt.title("log likelihoods")
print(match_frame3.groupby(["global_state", "local_state"])["predicted_state"].mean())

fig = plt.gcf()

gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2)
gs.update(left=0.08, right=0.98, top=0.95, bottom=0.175, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.5)

crange_plot = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0])
musSpeed_plot = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1])
crickSpeed_plot = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0])
azimuth_plot = plt.subplot(gs[1, 1])

plots = [crange_plot, musSpeed_plot, crickSpeed_plot, azimuth_plot]
pred_colors = ["red", "orange", "blue"]

for i, label in enumerate(obs_labels):
plot = plots[i]
for pred in range(0, 3):
pred_state_frame = match_frame1[(match_frame1.predicted_state == pred)]
pred_state_means = pred_state_frame[label]

x_vals = np.ones(len(pred_state_means))*pred
plot.scatter(jitter(x_vals, 0.1), pred_state_means, s=0.7, marker='o', c=pred_state_frame.global_state, alpha=0.3)
plot.set_xticks([0, 1, 2])

crickSpeed_plot.set_xlabel("Predicted state")
azimuth_plot.set_xlabel("Predicted state")
#%% Hierarchical state finding - establishing stronger priors
# Identify the current priors on the transition matrix and edit them for the global level
# ex: Allow movement between 1 -> 2 and 2 -> 1 and 2 -> 3, but no 1 -> 3 and no transitions off of 3
# Would preventing transitions off 3 mean that once 3 is hit once the model won't leave it?
# Does the way I generated my data not work? The states are random for order...

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