USV simulator for ROS ~/catkin_ws/src [email protected]:hakuturu583/ros_ship_packages.git ../ 4.sudo apt install ros-kinetic-jsk-* 5.ros-kinetic-hector-gazebo* 6.sudo apt install ros-kinetic-nmea* 7.sudo apt install ros-kinetic-velodyne* 8.sudo apt install ros-kinetic-nmea* 9.sudo apt install ros-kinetic-robot-pose-ekf 10.sudo apt install ros-kinetic-gps* 11.catkin_make
roslaunch ros_ship_description ros_ship.launch
roslaunch ros_ship_gazebo_plugins wam-v_gazebo.launch
ROS package for control simulated USV
ROS package for ros_ship_description(urdf,xacro,mesh,world files,etc..)
gazebo plugins for simlated USV
gazebo plugin for calculating buoyancy in a very simple way.
gazebo plugin for broadcast gazebo_world frame.
gazebo plugin for calculating driving force from joint speed and ship speed
messages for ros_ship_packages
navigation package for ros_ship
recognition package for ros_ship
object recognition node by using PCL(point cloud library)
set rosparams like below
stl and mesh file must be puted on (ros_ship_packages)/data/
plot gps data from /fix(sensor_msgs/NavSatFix) and publish map image via google static map API
S is start point of ship
C is current position of the ship
plot gps data from /fix(sensor_msgs/NavSatFix) topic in kml format