used for big data programming course
If you are in the school, you can directly access to Azure service using ssh:
The username and password is the same as the MyFordham.
If you are not in school, you might be not able to access to Azure directly, but you can link to the Erdos first.
Once you login you now can login to the Azure
And then please download the SentimenAnalysis files from github
git clone
First, we go into the project:
cd spark_streaming_study
Now you get the whole project for sentimenanalysis, let us see the structure of the project:
build.sbt \\Don't change it, it concludes all the libaries and packages for this project
SentimentAnalysis.scala \\ The main part of program, you can try to use it to do what you want
SentimentAnalysisUtils.scala \\ The NLP libaries the main program used.
StreamingExamples.scala \\ This one just a test demo for the program, you can do what you want.
tags \\ all the output of tags would save here
How can we try to test our program? now go back to the root directory of the project, where you can find the build.sbt file in there, and type:
sbt "run YourTwitterConsumerKey YourTwitterConsumerSecret YourTwitterAccessToken YourTwitterAccessTokenSecret Apple"
You can change the "Apple" to any word you want.
And you can get your twitter token in: