Tags: weiyeli/Nimble
- Tweak build settings Quick#670 - Update CwlPreconditionTesting Quick#675, Quick#682 - [CI] Use GitHub Actions for Darwin platforms Quick#676, 679 - [CI] Update Linux Swift versions Quick#678 - Support `throwAssertion` matcher on SwiftPM on Darwin Quick#680 - [CI] Test Xcode 11 Quick#683 - Reduce test duration in AsynchronousTest Quick#684
- Update CocoaPods to 1.7.1 Quick#640, Quick#668 - Support Swift 5's `Package.swift` syntax (`platforms` support) Quick#641 (Thanks @devxoul) - [CocoaPods] Support `swift_versions` which is available since CocoaPods 1.7 Quick#669 - Update .hound.yml Quick#645 - [refactoring] Use `canImport(Darwin)` Quick#647 - [Xcode] Set DEPLOYMENT_TARGET and TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY build settings at target level Quick#648 - Xcode 10.2: Update to recommended settings Quick#649 - [refactoring] Remove compatibility hack below Swift 4.2 Quick#651 - Remove now-unnecessary Linux hack Quick#652 - Remove now-unnecessary platform checks Quick#653 - Suppress warnings Quick#658 - Tweak build settings Quick#660 - Reduce deprecated Matcher type usages in some matchers Quick#663 - Replace deprecated `Predicate.matches(_:failureMessage:)` and `Predicate.doesNotMatch(_:failureMessage:)` Quick#664, Quick#666 - [gardening] Remove unnecessary parentheses Quick#667 - Fix ambiguities of `beGreaterThan`, `beGreaterThanOrEqualTo`, `beLessThan` and `beLessThanOrEqualTo` matchers on Linux with Swift 5.1 Quick#659 - [README] Document support & installation via Accio Quick#646 (Thanks @Dschee)
Nimble v8 has been released! 🎉 The new major version requires Swift 4… ….2 / Xcode 10.1 at least, which also supports Swift 5.0 / Xcode 10.2 as well. - Migrate to Swift 4.1 and drop Swift 3.x support Quick#515 (Thanks @ikesyo) - Bump MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to 10.10 Quick#526 (Thanks @ikesyo) - Reduce NMBObjCMatcher usages Quick#592, Quick#600 (Thanks @ikesyo) - Bump Swift requirement to 4.2 Quick#607, Quick#628 (Thanks @heyzooi and @ikesyo) - Sequence elementsEqual matcher Quick#557 (Thanks @LucianoPAlmeida) - Add `beEmpty` matcher for `SetAlgebra` Quick#594 (Thanks @ikesyo) - Add `contain` matcher for `SetAlgebra` Quick#609 (Thanks @ikesyo) - Swift 4.1: Adopt LinuxMain generation feature by `swift test --generate-linuxmain` Quick#516 (Thanks @ikesyo) - Remove `equal` matcher overloads for `[T: C]?` and `[T]?` thanks to Conditional Conformance Quick#521 (Thanks @ikesyo) - [gardening][BeVoid] Move operators into types Quick#522 (Thanks @ikesyo) - Simplify `equal` matcher for `[T?]` Quick#524 (Thanks @ikesyo) - [Xcode] Enable New Build System Quick#527 (Thanks @ikesyo) - Utilize multiline string literals Quick#544 (Thanks @ikesyo) - [SwiftLint] Remove force_cast from disabled_rules Quick#562 (Thanks @ikesyo) - [SwiftLint] Remove identifier_name from disabled_rules Quick#563 (Thanks @ikesyo) - [SwiftLint] Remove force_try from disabled_rules Quick#582 (Thanks @ikesyo) - Rename `Sequence.all` to `allSatisfy` to match SE-0207 Quick#583 (Thanks @ikesyo) - Remove workaround to SR-2290 Quick#593 (Thanks @norio-nomura) - [SwiftLint] Remove todo from disabled_rules Quick#602 - Test Swift 5.0 (5.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2019-02-05-a) Quick#629 (Thanks @ikesyo) - [CI] Test with Xcode 10.2 Quick#637 (Thanks @ikesyo) - 🐛Workaround to noescape bug in Xcode 10 beta 1 Quick#537 (Thanks @phatblat) - Revert "🐛Workaround to noescape bug in Xcode 10 beta 1" Quick#560 (Thanks @ikesyo) - [podspec] Remove duplicate swift_version setting Quick#630 (Thanks @ikesyo) - Add a "Reviewed by Hound" badge Quick#586 (Thanks @salbertson)