A silverstripe database seeder that utilizes Fixtures to generate DataObjects. Seeders can be used to quickly generate site structure, populate blog articles, fill in page content, etc...
composer require werkbot/werkbot-seeder
- Silverstripe ^4.0
- You will need to run
- You must be in development or test mode (
). Be aware that the records generated by these seeders are added directly to your current database; they are not added to a fresh test database. - You may now run seeder tasks in your web browser from
- You may run seeder tasks through the command line as well
vendor/silverstripe/framework/sake dev/tasks/Werkbot-Seeder-SeederBuildTask
Generate documentation using Doctum:
./vendor/bin/doctum.php update doctum.config.php
View the api documentation:
start doctum_build/index.html