This is a Carla Simulator and Gym Carla Environment
Please go to Carla Simulator Website to install Carla For this repository, the version Carla is used.
- Unpack the Download .tar.gz File
chmod +x
- Get some try with the codes under
is the code, which should work for our need.
Launch a terminal in this folder and execute the simulator by running
This will launch a window with a view over the city. This is the view, you can fly around the city using the mouse and WASD keys. This simulator acts now as a server, waiting for a client to connect and interact.
Try an example to interact with the server
./ -80
This should launch 80 Vehicles into the simulator.
Try also manual control the vehicle by running
Now we can test '''''' with Town04 by running
Please go to gym github website Website to clone openai gym Gym environment here clone to the folder /PythonAPI/codes/ inside the carla
git clone
Now go inside the gym folder under /gym/envs/, create a new folder carla for the carla gym environment For the Carla Environment, they should two files unter the folder carla, and carla_env
the file /gym/envs/carla/ should have:
from gym.envs.carla.carla_env import CarlaEnv
And also /gym/envs/ should have:
kwargs = {'host':'', 'port': 2000, 'tm_p': 8000, 'filtervehicle':'vehicle.*', 'coord_file': 'map04_coordination_1.csv',
'map_name':'Town04', 'num_vehicle': 10, 'velocity': 80, 'autopilot': True},
kwargs = {'host':'', 'port': 2000, 'tm_p': 8000, 'filtervehicle':'vehicle.*', 'coord_file': 'map04_coordination_1.csv',
'map_name':'Town04', 'num_vehicle': 10, 'velocity': 90, 'autopilot': False},
Under /gym/ in terminal, by running:
pip install -e .
This should be run, each time if the environment is changed.
Create a Python Conda Environment, by using
conda create --name carlagym
conda activate carlagym
install python packages with /PythonAPI/codes/requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Under /codes/simulate/: Basically, we transformed this file to the, it measured the 15 Cars surrounding around the ego vehicle. Try out with Traffic Manager and ego vehicle, played with parameters. It can save the coordination points of the vehicles in 4 lanes, and also to view the trajectory of the vehicles(visualization) Just plot out the way points
Under /gym/gym/envs/carla This is the gym Environment for carla, Collision Sensor haven't be fixed yet.