python automation script to setup linux authentication with yufu.
the script tested on macos, and the tested target linux box on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
- python 3.x
- fabric2:
pip3 install fabric2
- setup a yufu tenant
- enable yufu-ldap feature(contact yufu), get a yufu-ldap svc account/passwod
- setup posix schema in your yufu tenant
- posix account setup
- posix group setup
- setup linux sudoers
- setup a posix group with name of sudo in your yufu tenant
- assign some users to sudo group in yufu
NOTE, before executing the script:
please keep a logged-in terminal for your target linux box in case the configuration is incorrect, you might can not login back.
Then run the script:
prepare your config, see conf/ldap.conf, search "replace-me"
setup for fengxi@xfd1 and fengxi@xfd2:
fab2 --prompt-for-login-password --prompt-for-sudo-password -H fengxi@xfd1,fengxi@xfd2 install-deps config
The configuration template refers to: