pure-c library to handle command line arguments. MIT-licenced
See example.c
cmdline_option_parser_iface_t* parser = cmdline_option_parser_iface_construct();
parser->set_program_description(parser, "program to demonstrate abilities of libcmdline library");
parser->set_free_params_description(parser, "why you need free params");
parser->set_program_example(parser, parser->format(parser, "%s -e two -s smth asas", argv[0]));
parser->set_free_params_requirement(parser, parser->REQUIRED);
parser->add_sect(parser, "options start");
parser->add_help_flag(parser, 'h');
parser->add_flag(parser, "f,flag" , "flag symbolizes something binary", &flag);
parser->add_int(parser, "I" , "something you can count" , &i , parser->format(parser, "%i", 2 * 5), parser->NOT_REQUIRED);
parser->add_str(parser, "string,s", "something looks like human word" , &str , NULL, parser->REQUIRED);
parser->add_memory(parser, "memory,m", "some computer size - Gb, Mb, Kb, b or no postfix supported" , &memory , "10", parser->NOT_REQUIRED);
parser->add_seconds(parser, "seconds,S", "some time duration - sec, min, hour, day or no postfix supported" , &seconds , "10", parser->NOT_REQUIRED);
parser->add_sect(parser, "last option");
cmdline_enum_mapper_cell_t cells[] = { {"zero", zero }
, {"one", one }
, {"two", two }
, {"three", three} };
CMDLINE_ENUM_MAPPER(mapper, cells, enumerated);
parser->add_raw_enum( parser
, "enum,e"
, parser->format(parser, "something enumerated (%s, %s, %s, %s)", CMDLINE_ENUM_ENUMERATOR4(cells))
, &mapper
, parser->NOT_REQUIRED);
parser->full_parse(parser, argc, argv);
If there is some errors in command line parameters you will see help message
option required: "string,s"
Description: program to demonstrate abilities of libcmdline library
Example : bin/example_c -e two -s smth asas
option start:
-h, --help, [flag] show this message
-f, --flag, [flag] flag symbolizes something binary
-I something you can count [= 10]
-s, --string, [required] something looks like human word
-m, --memory some computer size - Gb, Mb, Kb, b or no postfix supported [= 10]
-S, --seconds some time duration - sec, min, hour, day or no postfix supported [= 10]
last option:
-e, --enum something enumerated (zero, one, two, three) [= one]
free params: why you need free params
Building in source root run next commands
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
#you need to be root to install library in your system
su -c 'make install'
This library is requirenments free, you only need c/c++ compiler, cmake and make
For testing you need gtest.
After build you need to run
make test