go-alfacrm is a Rest API for alfaCRM. You can manage your application with this library. It contains almost every API request amocrm provides with support of CRUD operations.
To get started with go-alfacrm, you'll need to do the following:
- Install the latest version of Go.
- Install the go-alfacrm package using go get.
- Use the go-alfacrm package in your Go code.
- Here's an example of how to install the package:
go get github.com/whatcrm/go-alfacrm
go-alfacrm includes a package for working with models, which allows you to use just the API and create your own models. This means you can create your own structs and use them with our go-alfacrm package, even if you don't want to use every field from amoCRM's entities.
Here's the link to Models package and example of how to install the package.
go get github.com/whatcrm/go-alfacrm/models
- Lightweight and easy-to-use
- Supersonic performance thanks to the Fiber web framework
- Comprehensive CRUD for working with amoCRM/Kommo
go-alfacrm is maintained by WhatCRM Organization. If you'd like to contribute to the project, please reach out to us via Issues.