Upgrading from Hive 1/2 to Hive 3 requires several metastore AND data changes to be successful.
This process and the associated scripts are meant to be used as a 'pre-upgrade' planning toolkit to make the upgrade smoother.
These scripts don't make any direct changes to hive, rather they are intended to educate and inform you of areas that need attention. After which, it is up to you to make the adjustments manually.
We'll use a combination of Hive SQL and an interactive HDFS client Hadoop-Cli to combine information from an extract of the Metastore DB and the contents of HDFS.
This process is supplied 'as-is' in good faith to help support the upgrade path to Hive 3. It is NOT supported by Cloudera (nor Legacy Hortonworks) and results should be manually validated. Consult Cloudera/Hortonworks official documentation for details regarding the data collected through this process.
Date | Details |
2019-07-11 | I found an issue in HadoopCli v2.0.13+ regarding output. Please update to v.2.0.15+ |
2019-07-12 | Added docs to process static fsimage and updated reference to HadoopCli v2.0.16 |
2019-08-14 | Adding support to run process via Ansible |
- This process needs to run as a privilege user. In this case, it should run as the 'hive' user to ensure all access is appropriate.
- If you are using Ranger (I hope so!!), and have given the 'hive' user access to parts of HDFS, make sure the user also has access to the 'new' warehouse directories that will be created by this process. Those include:
- This process is run from a HDP Edge node that has the HDFS Client, HDFS Configs and Hive(Beeline) Client installed.
- The Hadoop CLI has been installed. As of this writing, version 2.0.16-SNAPSHOT (or later) is required for this effort.
- A Kerberos Ticket (for Kerberized environments) has been retrieved before running these processes.
- The authenticated user has "at least" read privileges to ALL 'hive table' and 'hdfs'. Suggest running as the 'hive' user.
- To issue changes to 'hdfs', the user should have super user privileges to the target directories in hdfs. Suggest running as the 'hive' user.
- Ranger permissions have been created for 'hive' that allow it access as described in the two previous steps.
- Some of the processes covered here will examine the contents of HDFS via the Namenode. The results could spike RPC Queues on clusters that aren't optimized. I suggest monitoring NN RPC pressure when running large amounts of data through the Hadoop Cli.
- Before the upgrade starts, make a snapshot of all your affect Hive Managed table locations. The upgrade will convert and move things. This is a last resort fallback process to get to your raw 'before' upgrade data.
- Take this snapshot AFTER the 'MAJOR' compactions have completed.
We use Hive throughout this process. The process has been validated against Hive3, using Beeline against LLAP. To use against LLAP in HDP 2.6, you'll need to build a 'beeline' wrapper to connect automatically. The output of 'beeline' will be a little different then the output of 'hive cli'. So I recommend using 'beeline' in HDP 2.6 for this process since the pipeline has particular dependencies.
I've started working on an ansible script that can be used to run the 'necessary' parts of this process and produce output 'reports'. Those output reports will be copied back to the local drive (from where ever your running ansible from). The location is current set to ../../hdp3_hms_reports-{{ DUMP_ENV }}-{{ inventory_hostname }}/
- Ansible Install on source host
- SSH key access to target host
- User with key access has privileges to su over to {{ hive_user }}
- No access to github from the target server, see below.
There is a sample inventory that you need to make a copy of and add your environment settings. Assuming you've create ./ansible/inventory.yaml
from here on as a reference.
The ansible playbook runs the process on the target host (that what ansible does ;) ). So that host needs to have the sources in this project to run. Two ways to get them there:
The host has access to https://github.com
cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml --extra-vars "github=true" upgrade_planning.yaml
The host does NOT have access to https://github.com
First we need to create an archive locally of the project directory OR we can download a pre-packaged version from github and Download the latest 'Source code (tar.gz)' file.
We need to install the 'HadoopCli' on the target host first. See Assumptions for minimum requirements.
cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml --extra-vars "local=true utils_package=/tmp/<change_me>.tar.gz" upgrade_planning.yaml
I've added tags to each of the tasks in the playbook to allow more control over the process.
- hadoopcli "Installs Hadoop CLI"
- source "Manages the sources"
- load "Load the Metastore Data"
- validate "Validates we've got our wires lined up"
- report "Run the reports"
- fetchreports "Fetch the reports"
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml --tags "load" --extra-vars "github=true" upgrade_planning.yaml
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml --skip-tags "source" --extra-vars "github=true" upgrade_planning.yaml
See Tables with Questionable Serdes
See Format Changes
We don't actively change anything on the cluster. The reports provide information you need to evaluate and take action with.
This process does NOT yet run the [Acceptable Filename Patterns](Acceptable Filename Patterns) process. You'll need to run that separately.
This process does NOT current build the [post processing](Modify Upgrade Process to Skip Shortcut migration script) pieces.
- HDP 3 -
export HIVE_ALIAS="hive -c llap"
- HDP 2.6 -
export HIVE_ALIAS=hive
NOTE: I attemptedbeeline
in 2.6.5, but ran into variable passing issues with hivevar.
Set the following environment variable to assist with these scripts
I suggest using a 'new' database to avoid issues with location overrides.
The 'DUMP_ENV' var is intended to be something like: 'dev','qa','test','prod'. This way you can run several tests and discoveries in a lower environment by extracting data from upper environments.
export TARGET_DB=<target_db>
export DUMP_ENV=<dump_env>
export OUTPUT_DIR=<base_output_dir>
export EXTERNAL_WAREHOUSE_DIR=<ext_wh_dir>
# Set this when using beeline
export HIVE_OUTPUT_OPTS="--showHeader=false --outputformat=tsv2"
# Set this when using hive
# Support direct connection to Namenode via /etc/hadoop/conf configs
export HC="hadoopcli"
# Support webhdfs connection to oi
# For Example:
export TARGET_DB=mycompany
export DUMP_ENV=dev
export EXTERNAL_WAREHOUSE_DIR=/apps/hive/warehouse
export OUTPUT_DIR=/tmp
Run the sqoop dump utility to extract a dataset from the Metastore Database. Sqoop will drop the dataset on HDFS.
NOTE: If you have defined 'lower_case_table_names' in my.cnf for MySql/MariaDB, add the --lower option to the call to select the correct extract sql for 'Sqoop'.
./hms_sqoop_dump.sh --target-hdfs-dir \
--jdbc-db-url jdbc:mysql://<host:port>/<db_name> \
--jdbc-user <user> --jdbc-password <password>
The 'target-hdfs-dir' is where you'll define the 'external' table for this dataset. The location should coincide with the standard external dataset location.
Run the Hive HMS Schema Creation Script to create the external table onto of the location you placed the sqoop extract.
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
--hivevar EXTERNAL_WAREHOUSE_DIR=${EXTERNAL_WAREHOUSE_DIR} -f hms_dump_create.sql
Validate the dataset is visible via 'beeline'.
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV}
In Beeline:
use ${DB};
select * from hms_dump_${ENV} limit 10;
Review each of the following scripts. Each script contains a description of it's function.
Old serde's in the system will prevent the post-migration scripts from completing. Find those missing serde's and either ensure they're available to Hive OR drop the old tables.
This process relies on a list of standard Serde's we've built up in the database. Check the table known_serdes_${ENV}
. If you want to add to the table, use a hive insert command. This table is populated when we create the tables for this effort in CREATE. If you find we've missed a 'serde', please log a github issue and I'll adjust the create script to include it for future checks.
use ${DB};
known_serdes_${ENV} (SERDE_NAME)
VALUES ("your-custom-serde-class");
Find Questionable Tables with:
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} -f questionable_serde_tables.sql
Many assumptions are made about partition locations. When these location aren't standard, it may have an effect on other migration processes and calculations. This script will help identify that impact.
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} -f check_partition_location.sql
Determine the overall size/count of the tables locations
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
${HIVE_OUTPUT_OPTS} -f external_table_location.sql
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
${HIVE_OUTPUT_OPTS} -f external_table_location.sql | \
cut -f 3 | sed -r "s/(^.*)/count \1/" | \
hadoopcli -stdin -s | sed -r "s/[ ]{2,}/\t/g" | sed -r "s/\s\//\t\//g" | \
sed -r "s/^\t//g"> ${OUTPUT_DIR}/external_table_stats.txt
Copy the above file to HDFS
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal ${OUTPUT_DIR}/external_table_stats.txt \
Determine the overall size/count of the tables locations
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
${HIVE_OUTPUT_OPTS} -f managed_table_location.sql
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
${HIVE_OUTPUT_OPTS} -f managed_table_location.sql | \
cut -f 3 | sed -r "s/(^.*)/count \1/" | \
hadoopcli -stdin -s | sed -r "s/[ ]{2,}/\t/g" | sed -r "s/\s\//\t\//g" | \
sed -r "s/^\t//g" > ${OUTPUT_DIR}/managed_table_stats.txt
Copy the above file to HDFS
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal ${OUTPUT_DIR}/managed_table_stats.txt \
Tables sharing the same HDFS location can cause a lot of problems if one or (both/all) are managed. The conversions could move the datasets and leave the remaining tables in a strange state.
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
${HIVE_OUTPUT_OPTS} -f overlapping_table_locations.sql
If you find entries in this output AND one of the tables is 'Managed', you should split that locations and/or manage these overlapping locations before the migration process.
One solution would be to ensure the tables sharing the location are 'External' tables.
If all the offending tables pointed in each line of the output are 'External' already, you should be ok.
The beeline output can be captured and pushed into the 'HadoopCli' for processing. The following command will generate a script that can also be run with '-f' option in 'HadoopCli' to create the missing directories.
Even though we push this through hadoopcli for the hdfs test function, this will take some time to run. If you want to see the progress, open another window session and tail the 'hcli_mkdir.txt' file.
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} -f missing_table_dirs.sql
Build a script to 'Create' the missing directories.
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
${HIVE_OUTPUT_OPTS} -f missing_table_dirs.sql | \
hadoopcli -stdin -s 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -f 4 | \
sed 's/^/mkdir -p /g' > ${OUTPUT_DIR}/hcli_mkdir.txt
Review the output file 'hcli_mkdir.txt', edit if necessary and process through 'hadoopcli'.
hadoopcli -f hcli_mkdir.txt
The post migration process runs a hive process call 'HiveStrictManagedMigration'. This process will scan the databases and tables in the Metastore and determine what needs to be converted and moved to adhere to the new standards in Hive 3.
This will produce a list of tables and directories that need their ownership checked. If they are owned by 'hive', these 'managed' tables will be migrated to the new warehouse directory for Hive3.
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
-f table_migration_check.sql
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
${HIVE_OUTPUT_OPTS} -f table_migration_check.sql | \
cut -f 1,2,5,6 | sed -r "s/(^.*)(\/apps.*)/lsp -c \"\1\" -f user,group,permissions_long,path \2/" | \
hadoopcli -stdin -s > ${OUTPUT_DIR}/migration_check.txt
This script provides a bit more detail then Table Migration Check, which only looks for tables in the standard location.
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} -f acid_table_conversions.sql
Locate Files that will prevent tables from Converting to ACID.
The 'alter' statements used to create a transactional table require a specific file pattern for existing files. Files that don't match this, will cause issues with the upgrade.
- ([0-9]+[0-9]+)|([0-9]+[0-9]_copy_[0-9]+)
Get a list of table directories to check and run that through the 'Hadoop Cli' below to locate the odd files.
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} -f table_dirs_for_conversion.sql
Using the directories from the Table Directories for Conversion script, we'll check each directory for possible offending file that may get in the way of converting them to an ACID table.
The 'hadoopcli' function 'lsp' does an 'inverted' pattern search for all files that do NOT match the 'GOOD_PATTERN' declared below.
NOTE: The inverted search functionality for 'lsp' in 'HadoopCli' is supported in version 2.0.14-SNAPSHOT and above.
export GOOD_PATTERN="([0-9]+_[0-9]+)|([0-9]+_[0-9]_copy_[0-9]+)"
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
${HIVE_OUTPUT_OPTS} -f table_dirs_for_conversion.sql | \
sed -r "s/(^.*)/lsp -R -F ${GOOD_PATTERN} -i \
-Fe file -v -f parent,file \1/" | hadoopcli -stdin -s >> ${OUTPUT_DIR}/bad_file_patterns.txt
Figure out which pattern to use through testing with 'lsp' in Hadoop Cli
lsp -R -F .*.c000 <path>
will recurse the path looking for files with a 'c000' extension.
Traditionally 'managed non-acid' or 'external' tables CAN NOT be converted to ACID tables as long as there are files present that have 'bad' filenames, as shown above.
To fix these filename in bulk, use Hive SQL to rewrite the table/parition files AND ensure whatever process that's writing the ill-formed filename, stops!
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE mytable PARTITION (partcol1[=val1], partcol2[=val2] ...) SELECT * FROM mytable [WHERE partcol1 = val1 [ AND partcol2=val2 ]];
Now the table is ready to be converted to ACID.
When you find a table that's "managed non-acid" in Hive 1/2 or "external" in Hive 3 and want to convert it to an 'ACID' table in Hive 3, use the following to DDL:
ALTER TABLE mytable SET TBLPROPERTIES ('EXTERNAL'='FALSE','transactional'='true');
-- Then run a Major Compaction to force the ACID table rewrite.
ALTER TABLE mytable [PARTITION (partition_key = 'partition_value' [, ...])]
[WITH OVERWRITE TBLPROPERTIES ("property"="value" [, ...])];
In Hive 3, ALL managed tables are ACID tables. Managed tables in Hive 1/2 that are ACID/Transactional need to be compacted BEFORE converting to Hive 3. This is because the 'delta' file formats used in ACIDv1 (Hive 1/2) is NOT compatible with Hive 3 ACIDv2.
The current Pre-Upgrade tool (as of June 2019) runs as a linear process. So if you have a LOT of tables and partitions, the process could take a very long time. And since the process scans the Metastore, even if you have a small number of "Managed-ACID" tables, it will take a long time to process them.
So, this process is designed to allow you to skip that step. How? Well, we need to collect a bunch of data from the metastore dump retrieved above and compare that with the actual filesystem to determine exactly which tables NEED to be compacted.
NOTE: These tables need to go through a 'MAJOR' compaction and consolidate away all of the 'delta' transactions BEFORE upgrading. 'delta' datasets in a table that are NOT compacted away BEFORE the upgrade will NOT be readable AFTER the upgrade.
Build a list of ACID tables/partitions that we need to scan for delta's. If they have delta's, they MUST be COMPACT 'MAJOR' before upgrading.
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
${HIVE_OUTPUT_OPTS} -f acid_table_compaction_check.sql
Now process the same query and feed it through the HadoopCli to inspect HDFS. This process will scan each of the listed directories and search for delta ACID contents. The resulting output will contain all the folders that have such entries. These are the directories of tables/partitions that need to be 'MAJOR' COMPACTed.
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
${HIVE_OUTPUT_OPTS} -f acid_table_compaction_check.sql | \
cut -f 4 | \sed -r "s/(^.*)/lsp -R -F .*delta_.* -t -sp -f path \1/" | \
hadoopcli -stdin -s > ${OUTPUT_DIR}/delta_tbls-parts_paths.txt
Copy those results to HDFS, into an HDFS directory create in the Setup SQL Script for the 'paths_${ENV}' table in the 'section=managed_deltas' partition.
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/delta_tbls-parts_paths.txt \
Using the scan from above, we join it back to the ACID table listing and generate a COMPACT script that we can run against the cluster.
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
${HIVE_OUTPUT_OPTS} -f acid_table_compaction_reqs.sql > ${OUTPUT_DIR}/compact_major.sql
This produced 'compact_major.sql' file may be large, containing 1000's of compact actions depending on how many ACID tables you have in your environment.
To handle the load of running these compactions, you will need to tune the compactor appropriately for the load.
The tuning process will depend on how many yarn resources you have to spare in the environment. The compactor can be tuned to run these jobs in a specific queue so you can isolate the workload. Increasing the number of threads used by the compactor will control how many compaction jobs run at a time. The size of the queue will determine the overall volume of work the process can handle.
I recommend splitting the output script above into 1000-2000 line scripts that you can launch and monitor, before continuing on to the next.
TODO: Details on Tuning the Hive Compactor.
Once completed, I would run the whole process again to check for any missed tables. When the list is emtpy, you've covered them all.
During the cluster upgrade, Ambari will run a process called the "PreUpgrade" Tool as described in the Ambari Major Upgrade - Preparing Hive for Upgrade. All the work we've done to this point was designed to replace that process through a more targeted inspection.
By running the above compact_major.sql
before the upgrade, we can avoid running this pre-upgrade process driven by Ambari. We'll need to hack at Ambari (before you start the HDP upgrade) to turn this script off.
TODO: Describe how to disable during upgrade process.
Only managed tables in standard locations will be "moved" by the post-migration process. Use this to understand that impact.
This script will identify all managed tables and indication if they may move, based on being in a "Standard" location.
It will also indicate whether the table is currently transactional or not.
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
-f acid_table_location_status.sql
For LARGE Hive Installations, build an alter Migration Script
The Migration Script MUST run against EVERY DB that contains tables the are 'managed'. These migration scripts MUST be completed BEFORE users are allowed back on the cluster. This process is intended to allow the 'parallel' running of the core 'HiveStrictManagedMigration' process when upgrade to Hive 3. Default processing through Ambari of this script is NOT threaded and therefore can take a very long time in environments with a lot of metadata.
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
${HIVE_OUTPUT_OPTS} -f post_migration_dbs.sql \
> ${OUTPUT_DIR}/post_migration.txt
Build a script to call the post migration script 'HiveStrictManagedMigration' process for each of the databases independently listed in the above output.
Note: There is a 'dryrun' option for this script. I suggest running that on a single, smaller DB to evaluate that everything is configured correctly before launching against the entire stack.
Review and run Post Migration Hive Strict Managed Migration Launcher to run a migration process for each database, independently.
TODO: Figure out how to log calls to tables, which is DEBUG. Use this to estimate table processing times.
Watch the volume!!! If you have many database, I recommend carving this process up to run a maximum of 10 databases at a time!!
WARNING: By doing this, you are taking on the responsibility of running this process against ALL appropriate databases and tables.
On the Ambari Server, find: /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/3.0/services/HIVE/package/scripts/post_upgrade.py
- Make a safe copy of the
directory. - Edit:
- Comment out line:
- Add Line below that:
print ('Manual Override, run strictmanagedmigration process separately.)
- Save file.
hive --service strictmanagedmigration --help
usage: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.util.HiveStrictManagedMigration
-d,--dbRegex <arg> Regular expression to match
database names on which this
tool will be run
--dryRun Show what migration actions
would be taken without
actually running commands
-h,--help print help message
--hiveconf <property=value> Use value for given property
-m,--migrationOption <arg> Table migration option
--modifyManagedTables This setting enables the
sions options
--oldWarehouseRoot <arg> Location of the previous
warehouse root
--shouldModifyManagedTableLocation Whether managed tables should
have their data moved from the
old warehouse path to the
current warehouse path
--shouldModifyManagedTableOwner Whether managed tables should
have their directory owners
changed to the hive user
--shouldModifyManagedTablePermissions Whether managed tables should
have their directory
permissions changed to conform
to strict managed tables mode
-t,--tableRegex <arg> Regular expression to match
table names on which this tool
will be run
By shortcutting Ambari's version of this process, we need to build a list of Db's and Tables that need to run through the post migration process. When know, we run the process manually, targeting only those areas that are important (hive tables that "NEED" to be reviewed), instead of processing the whole system, one at a time.
With the data collected from 'External/Managed Table Locations', we can run the following and get table and db sizes.
TODO: Build script with DB contents and run.
NOTE: This section depends on the output from Non-Managed Table Locations and Managed Table Locations
${HIVE_ALIAS} --hivevar DB=${TARGET_DB} --hivevar ENV=${DUMP_ENV} \
${HIVE_OUTPUT_OPTS} -f size_of_dbs.sql > ${OUTPUT_DIR}/dbs_sizes.txt
The output will be a list of databases with the following:
- db_name
- tbl_count
- folder_count
- file_count
- total_size
An interactive/scripted 'hdfs' client that can be scripted to reduce the time it takes to cycle through 'hdfs' commands.
Hadoop CLI Project/Sources Github
Fetch the latest Binary Distro here . Unpack the hadoop.cli-x.x.x-SNAPSHOT-x.x.tar.gz and run (as root) the setup from the extracted folder. Detailed directions here.
Launch the application without parameters will pickup your default configs, just like hdfs
or hadoop
command line applications.
The Hadoop Cli can process stdin
. So it can be part of a bash pipeline. In this case, we run a query in beeline, output the results and create another file with our target commands.
hive -c llap --hivevar DB=citizens --hivevar ENV=qa \
--showHeader=false --outputformat=tsv2 -f test.sql | \
hadoopcli -stdin 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -f 4 | \
sed 's/^/mkdir -p /g' > hcli_mkdir.txt
Test a list of directories against 'hdfs' to see if they exist. See above 'Missing HDFS Directories Check'.
Create a text file (test.txt) and add some commands. The last line should 'exit' followed by an empty line.
test -e /user/ted
test -e /user/chuck
test -e /apps/hive/warehouse/my_db.db/some_random_tbl
Then run the 'hadoopcli' with the text file as an init script.
hadoopcli -f test.txt 2> missing.out
This will pipe all 'errors' to 'missing.out'. The 'test' command throws an error when the directory doesn't exist.