Install Floorp (firefox based browser)
Install Kitty Terminal (best kitty icon)
Install Stow
Install zsh
Install oh-my-zsh
Install zsh-autosuggestions and zsh-syntax-highlighting
Just clone the repos to .oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins
Install Starship
Install Hack Font(NOT patched)
Install Nerd Font(Symbols ONLY) - Kitty doesnt require patched fonts, only symbols is fine
Install Neovim
Install Tmux
Install fnm (Node version manager)
Install Nodejs/Npm (use fnm)
Install fzf
Install ripgrep
Install lazygit
- Install lazydocker
My dotfiles contains a custom config that I currently daily drive
My old setup for years was running Astronvim. You can still run the Astro config with NVIM_APPNAME=astro_nvim nvim(see :h nvim_appname for multi config info)
Clone .dotfiles to git clone [email protected]:whoop-t/.dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
In ~/.dotfiles
run stow .
to symlink .dotfiles to proper locations
- Raycast
- Aerospace
- LinearMouse (mouse issues fix on mac)
- Clipy
- NoTunes
- BetterDisplay -- 27" 1440p scaled to 78% (1984x1116)
Might not need IMWheel anymore
- Using PopOS built in workspaces
hyper + f|d|s|a
like with Aerospace on MacOS above - Disable animations for workspaces (this should alreay be set in popos backup)
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-animations false
- 27" 1440p scaled to 125% (popos display settings)
- Pics
- Main: Corne layout(42 key): via config
- Secondary(dont use anymore): Moonlander layout(42 key): oryx
- monkeytype