The MsLinks extension adds a button to the editor that creates links to view or download files using icons appropriate to the file type.
To install MsLinks, add the following to your LocalSettings.php:
wfLoadExtension( 'MsLinks' );
To insert a basic link to view a file: {{}}
To insert a link to download a file, with "Download this file" as text and with the icon aligned to the right: {{#l:dlink||Download this file|right}}
If you want to change the icons for the different types of links, you may set the following BELOW the require_once line:
$wgMSL_FileTypes = [ 'jpg' => 'your_icon_for_jpgs.png', 'gif' => 'your_icon_for_gifs.png', 'doc' => 'your_icon_for_docs.png', ];
The icons should be in the MsLinks/images directory. The defaults are the following:
$wgMSL_FileTypes = [ 'no' => 'no_icon.png', 'jpg' => 'image_icon.png', 'gif' => 'image_icon.png', 'bmp' => 'image_icon.png', 'png' => 'image_icon.png', 'tiff' => 'image_icon.png', 'tif' => 'image_icon.png', 'ai' => 'image_ai_icon.png', 'psd' => 'image_ps_icon.png', 'pdf' => 'pdf_icon.png', 'pps' => 'pps_icon.png', 'ppt' => 'pps_icon.png', 'pptx' => 'pps_icon.png', 'xls' => 'xls_icon.png', 'xlsx' => 'xls_icon.png', 'doc' => 'doc_icon.png', 'docx' => 'doc_icon.png', 'dot' => 'doc_icon.png', 'dotx' => 'doc_icon.png', 'rtf' => 'doc_icon.png', 'txt' => 'txt_icon.png', 'html' => 'code_icon.png', 'php' => 'code_icon.png', 'exe' => 'exe_icon.gif', 'asc' => 'txt_icon.png', 'dwg' => 'dwg_icon.gif', 'zip' => 'zip_icon.png', 'mov' => 'movie_icon.png', 'mpeg' => 'movie_icon.png', 'mpg' => 'movie_icon.png', 'wmv' => 'movie_icon.png', 'avi' => 'movie_icon.png', 'mp4' => 'movie_icon.png', 'flv' => 'movie_flash_icon.png', 'wma' => 'music_icon.png', 'mp3' => 'music_icon.png', 'wav' => 'music_icon.png', 'mid' => 'music_icon.png' ];
- Developed and coded by Martin Schwindl ([email protected])
- Idea, project management and bug fixing by Martin Keyler ([email protected])
- Updated, debugged and enhanced by Felipe Schenone ([email protected])