Tags: wikimedia/mediawiki-gadgets-ProveIt
Also remove scrollToCaretPosition from insertRefIntoMWEditBox. Instea… …d, call highlightLengthAtIndex, using values from getCaretPosition. --HG-- extra : rebase_source : e7ebeab8cb4a9aef2ebef1debee1861e2acfc6a8
Add back original scroll to reference functionality (issue 78). --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 55b766fdd86ebe54cd6adb9d90de49c8cc72766f
Change ProveIt URL to http://proveit.cc.gatech.edu. Fixes issue 82.
[svn] Fully generalize new dynamic add new reference pane generation … …for Citation (ina addition to Cite). Fix bugs (such as no start pane, duplicate panes piling up and remaining undefined descriptions). Trivial i18n through LANG, change sorter code to use array (for better maintenence at minor performance cost). Add a little more null error checking, such as in clearAddCitation. Add "type" for Citation object, which is currently used only to determine default parameters, as Citation tags don't really have a fixed type. Simplify Citation types to use e.g. web instead of webc. This shouldn't pose a problem, as the two citation types should never coexist in the DOM. Still trying to figure out bug where sometimes (always?) you can not consecutively add two references of different types, apparently due to broken onclick. --HG-- branch : ProveIt