This script gather information through scraping sites. It then uses this information to generate fully-fledged PPC campaigns.
The script is written in Ruby.
The fields that are generated are:
- Campaign
- Ad Group
- Keyword
- Criterion Type
- Headline
- Description Line 1
- Description Line 2
- Display URL
- Destination URL
- Campaign Budget
- Networks
- Max CPC
- Audience
- Negative Audience
- Sitelink Text
- Language
- Location
The adtext is generated from a template which can either be online (Google Docs) or stored locally.
There is also an option to add information from a Product Feed. This can create product-specific adgroups, which are have very specific adtext & keywords.
Countries have been integrated and there are several predefined countries which automatically set the right location, the right currency and the right language.
This is fully compatible with Adwords.
Please Use this format:
ruby -----FileName ---- -Site- -Country- -Product(s)-
ruby campaign_builder.rb aa UK-US-SE CoolBrand AnotherBrand YetAnother
To get the Brand CoolBrand from AA in the UK, US and Sweden.
Use the code '--without-product-feed' to also import from the product feed. Eg:
ruby campaign_builder.rb aa UK-US-SE CoolBrand --without-product-feed
Use either '--N1' or '--R1' to add two Core adgroups ('Core || N1' & 'Core || R1')
ruby campaign_builder.rb aa UK-DK CoolBrand --R1
An excel file (.xls) is generated and is 100% ready to be uploaded to Adwords.
There is documentation throughout the script and a TODO list showing features added & to be added.