Solutions to problems available on Project Euler, implemented in Rust.
Contains code for solutions but not the actual solutions, trying to avoid spoilers for anyone too lazy to at least run the code themselves.
Build & run the program using cargo
The program uses Clap to parse some argument flags:
will include an ultra basic benchmark, showing the execution time for each problem-solving function.-c
will censor the results, to show the execution time without giving anything away.-p <number>
will execute & print output for only problem <number>.-s
will include a summary of execution times showing problems executing in <1ms, <10ms and <100ms bands.
Output from running a release build of the program using -cts
is checked
into the repo at output.txt.
I have the program running with a GitHub action, at some point would love to automatically update the published (censored) output. I'm a little scared of infinity automatic commits though, so maybe l8r.
Currently compiles on stable (1.67.0).