- fishercaffe, C++ training and testing code for an SVM using Vlfeat fisher vectors together with possible other features.
- DBow3, Improved version of DBow2.
- CudaSift, A CUDA implementation of SIFT for NVidia GPUs.
- FALCONN, LSH哈希,数据依赖实现方法,目前不支持数据动态插入。
- mih, Fast exact nearest neighbor search in Hamming distance on binary codes with Multi-index hashing.
- min-loss-hashing, matlab版及Python版的LSH.
- E2LSH, LSH Algorithm and Implementation.
- nmslib, Non-Metric Space Library (NMSLIB): A similarity search library and a toolkit for evaluation of k-NN methods for generic non-metric spaces.
- pq-fast-scan. The PQ Fast Scan project is a C++11 implementation of fast vector scanning techniques for nearest neighbor search in large databases of high-dimensional vectors.
- second-candidate, An implementation of the state-of-the-art methods of product quantization based ANN search.
- hdidx, pproximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search for high-dimensional data, hdidx-eval.
- Product-Quantization, The implementation of the paper " Product quantization for nearest neighbor search".
- invindex.py, 文本倒排索引。
- py-inverted-index, Fast in-memory inverted index.
- Netscope, A web-based tool for visualizing neural network architectures (or technically, any directed acyclic graph). It currently supports Caffe's prototxt format.
- A Guide to Deep Learning.
- deep-residual-networks, Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition.
- ccv, C-based/Cached/Core Computer Vision Library, A Modern Computer Vision Library.
- vlfeat, An open library of computer vision algorithms.
- flann, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors.
- PCV, Open source Python module for computer vision.
- scikit-learn, scikit-learn: machine learning in Python.
- SimpleCV, The Open Source Framework for Machine Vision.
- pydata-book, Materials and IPython notebooks for "Python for Data Analysis".
- DeepLearningTutorials, Deep Learning Tutorial notes and code. See the wiki for more info.
- awesome-bigdata, A curated list of awesome big data frameworks, ressources and other awesomeness.
- decaf-release, Decaf is DEPRECATED! The new framework that has all the good things: GPU computation, full train/test scripts, native C++, and an active community!
- bgslibrary, 背景减除.
- handDetectionCV, Hand Detection using Color Recognition.
- pyimreg, Simple Image registration using SIFT and RANSAC algorithm.
- spearmint, Spearmint is a package to perform Bayesian optimization according to the algorithms outlined in the paper: Practical Bayesian Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms. Jasper Snoek, Hugo Larochelle and Ryan P. Adams. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2012.
- mahotas, Computer Vision in Python.
- feature-extraction, matlab版特征提取。
- codyhouse,有很多的demo,使用起来非常的方便,CodyHouse的github。
- jqueryscript,很多优秀的js插件都可以在上面找到。
- oh-my-zsh,文艺编程员必备的shell。
- 搬砖怎么没有歌?awesome-music-for-programming
- PYTHON资源入口汇总
- OverFeat, OverFeat is a Convolutional Network-based image classifier and feature extractor.
- noccn, Utilities for Alex Krizhevsky's cuda-convnet.
- morb, Modular Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) implementation using Theano.
- pylearn2, A Machine Learning library based on Theano.
- ccv, C-based/Cached/Core Computer Vision Library, A Modern Computer Vision Library.
- Theano, 很多python的CNN都用到了这个包。
- pluskid, 里面对算法的分析很到位。
- Liang Bo Wang,技术博客。
- ionic, Advanced HTML5 mobile development framework and SDK. Build incredible hybrid apps with web technologies you already know and love. Best friends with AngularJS.
- ionicons, The premium icon font for Ionic.
- generator-ionic(Build hybrid mobile apps using the Ionic Framework).
- ionic-site, Repo for the ionicframework.com site.
- Matlab,可以在上搜集一些比较好得matlab代码
- alfred-workflows,alfred,好东西。
- https://github.com/iCHAIT/awesome-osx, A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for OS X.
- so-simple-theme, A simple and clean responsive Jekyll theme for words and photos.
- made-mistakes, [OLD] Made Mistakes website codebase.
- minimal-mistakes, A responsive Jekyll theme with clean typography and support for large full page images.
- hpstr-jekyll-theme, A Jekyll theme with some tumble-log tendencies.
- jekyll-bootstrap, The quickest way to start and publish your Jekyll powered blog. 100% compatible with GitHub pages.
- left, Left is a clean, whitespace-happy layout for Jekyll.
- wintersmith, A flexible static site generator.
- pyspider, 爬虫框架。
- bokeh, Interactive Web Plotting for Python.
- codeparkshare, Python初学者(零基础学习Python、Python入门)书籍、视频、资料、社区推荐.
- hyde, A Python Static Website Generator.
- scipy-lecture-notes, Tutorial material on the scientific Python ecosystem.
- Projects, A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language.
- networkx, NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.
- python-for-android, Turn your Python application into an Android APK - Build your own python and extension.
- Effeckt.css, A Performant Transitions and Animations Library.
- normalize.css, A collection of HTML element and attribute style-normalizations.
- djangobook.com, djangobook.com.
- django-disqus, Integrates DISQUS into Django.
- disqus-python, Disqus API bindings for Python.
- django-pagination, A set of utilities for creating robust pagination tools throughout a django application.
- django-bootstrap-toolkit, Bootstrap support for Django projects.
- django-cms, The easy-to-use and developer-friendly CMS.
- photome, 一个django的简单网页.
- weblog,A simple blog system written in Flask.
- duoshuo-python-sdk, A Python library for using the duoshuo API.
- sblog, 一个使用django搭建的简易博客.
- django_selfblog, Another opensource blog system based on Django1.5.1.
- timeline-site, a site about timeline.
- serholiu.com, Tornado 博客.
- FairyBBS, 用django写的一个BBS.
- django-bootstrap3, 比较好用.
- pdf.js, PDF Reader in JavaScript.
- audiojs, A cross-browser javascript wrapper for the html5 audio tag.
- jstutorial, Javascript tutorial book.
- impress.js, It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
- rails3, 《Ruby on Rails Tutorial》中文版,涵盖 Rails 3.2.
- collectiveintelligence-book, Some code and tests I wrote while working through Toby Segaran's book.
- free-programming-books, Freely available programming books.
- easybook, Book publishing as easy as it should be (built with Symfony components).
- www.ruby-lang.org, Source of the https://www.ruby-lang.org website.
- alloyteam.github.com, 腾讯 AlloyTeam 开源项目官网 - 我们的愿景: 成为业界卓越的Web团队!
- git-scm.com, Current version of the http://git-scm.com site http://git-scm.com/.
- government.github.com, Gather, curate, and feature stories of public servants and civic hackers using GitHub as part of their open government innovations.
- bindiry.github.com, wiki模板.
- vistat, A reproducible gallery of statistical graphics.
- roots, The best WordPress starter theme with a modern front-end development workflow. Based on HTML5 Boilerplate, gulp, Bower, and Bootstrap.
- Semantic-UI, Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language.
- Spirit, 腾讯移动Web整体解决方案.
- mobileTech, A useful tools or tips list for mobile web application developing.
- foundation, 响应式布局前段框架。
- life, Life - a timeline of important events in my life.
- BookBlock, A jQuery plugin that will create a booklet-like component that let's you navigate through its items by flipping the pages.
- CodeIgniter, Open Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab).
- nodePPT, 写web版ppt.
- zh-google-styleguide, Google 开源项目风格指南 (中文版)。