A JavaScript library for rendering music notation. Copyright (c) 2010 Mohit Muthanna Cheppudira
VexFlow is an open-source web-based music notation rendering API. It is written completely in JavaScript, and runs right in the browser. VexFlow supports HTML5 Canvas and SVG.
Go try out The VexFlow Tutorial to learn how to use VexFlow.
If you're not a developer and just want to write and share your music, go to My VexFlow.
VexTab has been overhauled and has moved to a new repository. Go to github/0xfe/vextab.
VexTab 2.0 now supports all VexTab 1.0 features, and includes a few new ones.
- Send in your changes via a GitHub pull request.
- Rebase early, rebase often.
- Please include tests -- I will not commit changes that don't have accompanying tests.
- Please use 2 spaces instead of tabs and wrap your lines at 80 columns.
- Try to stick to the style conventions in the existing code. (It's not great, but it's what we have.)
- Join the VexFlow Google Group at: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/vexflow
For performing full builds, you need the following:
- Google Closure Compiler (included in support/)
- This requires a JRE to be installed.
- SCons
- git
- zip
Build with:
$ scons
Clean with:
$ scons -c
Quiet build:
$ scons -Q