Welcome to the News App! This Android application provides a seamless experience for staying updated with the latest news across various categories. Written in Kotlin and following the MVVM architecture pattern, it offers a modern and efficient approach to news consumption.
- Category-based News: Explore news articles across different categories including Breaking, Economic, Sports, and more, providing comprehensive coverage of various topics.
- Save Articles: Save your favorite news articles for later reference, ensuring you never miss important updates.
- Search Functionality: Easily search for news articles using keywords, making it convenient to find specific information.
- Light/Dark Mode: Switch between light and dark mode themes seamlessly with the tap of a button!
The News App leverages several technologies and libraries to enhance performance and user experience:
- Room: For local database storage, facilitating seamless article saving and retrieval.
- Dagger Hilt: Used for dependency injection, ensuring modular and maintainable code.
- Retrofit: For handling network requests, enabling smooth communication with news APIs.
- Compose: Utilized for building the user interface with modern and declarative UI components.
- Coroutines: For asynchronous programming, enabling efficient handling of long-running tasks such as network requests.
- Moshi: For JSON parsing, simplifying the process of converting JSON data into Kotlin objects.
- Coil: Used for image loading and caching, enhancing performance and optimizing network bandwidth.
- Timber: For logging purposes, aiding in debugging and monitoring application behavior.
To run the News App locally, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Build and run the application on an Android emulator or a physical device.
Once the News App is installed and running, you can:
- Browse news articles by selecting different categories.
- Save articles by tapping on the bookmark icon.
- Use the search functionality to find articles based on keywords.
All feedback or suggestions for improving the News App is welcome. Feel free to leave feedback/suggestions on what could be better in the issues section or feel free to send a PR.