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Single file to process images to Annotation, Images, and ImageSets
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willxie committed Oct 21, 2016
1 parent 1220952 commit c766ba3
Showing 1 changed file with 38 additions and 29 deletions.
67 changes: 38 additions & 29 deletions
100644 → 100755
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@

import json
import numpy as np
import cv2
import os

TODO: make buttons for saving stuff
def main():
# Train, val, test set split (3:1:1)
view_bounding_box = False

# Train, val, test set index split (3:1:1)
num_images = 4388 # number of images with buildings in them
total_range = range(num_images)
train_range = total_range[:num_images // 5 * 3]
Expand All @@ -17,27 +23,23 @@ def main():
print("num_sum: {}".format(len(train_range) + len(val_range) + len(test_range)))
print("num_images: {}".format(num_images))

# test_value = 5555
# if test_value in train_range:
# print('.')
# if test_value in val_range:
# print('..')
# if test_value in test_range:
# print('...')
# return

view_bounding_box = False
# Image chips source
image_clip_path = '/home/ubuntu/dataset/processedData/3band/'

# Bounding box annotaiton source
json_path = '/home/ubuntu/dataset/processedData/vectorData/summaryData/AOI_1_Rio_polygons_solution_3Band.geojson'
#json_path = '/home/ubuntu/dataset/processedData/geoJson/013022223130_Public_img4_Geo.geojson'

image_clip_path = '/home/ubuntu/dataset/processedData/3band/'

# Output destinations
dataset_output_path = '/home/ubuntu/fast-rcnn/spacenet/data/'
annotation_path = dataset_output_path + 'Annotations/'
image_set_path = dataset_output_path + 'ImageSets/'
image_set_path = dataset_output_path + 'ImageSets/'
image_path = dataset_output_path + 'Images/'

# Outputs for bounding box overlay original image chip
chip_bb_path = 'chips/'

chip_path = 'chips/'
# Band
band_prefix = '3band_'

with open(json_path, 'rb') as f:
geo_json = json.load(f)
Expand All @@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ def main():
image_counter = -1
image_name_dict = {}

# Each iteration contains 1 bounding box
# Each iteration and entry contains 1 bounding box
for feature_dict in feature_collection:
assert(feature_dict["type"] == "Feature")

Expand All @@ -57,23 +59,25 @@ def main():
if building_id == -1:

# Some features for some reason has no coordinate
# Some features for some reason has no coordinate, skip them
if not feature_dict["geometry"]["coordinates"]:

# This shouldn't happen in our dataset.
if len(feature_dict["geometry"]["coordinates"]) != 1:
print("\tThis entry has odd polygon:")

# Grab the image clip
# Grab the associated image clip
image_id = feature_dict["properties"]["ImageId"]
print(image_id + " building id: " + str(building_id) + " image count:" + str(image_counter))
print(image_id + " building id: " + str(building_id) +
" image count:" + str(image_counter))
img = cv2.imread(image_clip_path + "3band_" + image_id + ".tif")

coordinate_list = []
coordinate_list_np = []
if feature_dict["geometry"]["type"] == "Polygon":
# We are making the assumption here that the bounding box is a simply polygon
# We are making the assumption here that the bounding box is a simple polygon
for coordinate in feature_dict["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]:
x = int(coordinate[0])
y = int(coordinate[1])
Expand All @@ -89,6 +93,7 @@ def main():
thickness = 2
# cv2.line(img, coordinate_list[coordinate_index], coordinate_list[coordinate_index + 1], color, thickness)

# Find the rectangular bounding box for the target
# Need to change into an odd format that boundingRect takes
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(np.expand_dims(np.array(coordinate_list), axis=1))
# cv2.rectangle(img, (x,y), (x+w, y+h), (0,255,0), 1)
Expand All @@ -101,26 +106,30 @@ def main():
image_counter += 1
if image_counter in train_range:
with open(image_set_path + "train.txt", 'ab') as f:
f.write(image_id + "\n")
f.write(band_prefix + image_id + "\n")
if image_counter in val_range:
with open(image_set_path + "val.txt", 'ab') as f:
f.write(image_id + "\n")
f.write(band_prefix + image_id + "\n")
if image_counter in test_range:
with open(image_set_path + "test.txt", 'ab') as f:
f.write(image_id + "\n")

f.write(band_prefix + image_id + "\n")

# Write x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max as annotation
# Write to disk
if image_counter in train_range:
with open(annotation_path + str(image_counter) + ".txt", "ab") as f:
# Write x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max as annotation required for fast-rcnn
with open(annotation_path + band_prefix + image_id + ".txt", "ab") as f:
f.write("{} {} {} {}\n".format(x, y, x+w, y+h))
# Record converted image type file if it doesn't exist already
current_image_path = image_path + band_prefix + image_id + ".png"
if not os.path.isfile(current_image_path):
cv2.imwrite(current_image_path, img)

if view_bounding_box:
# cv2.imwrite(chip_bb_path + image_id + "_" + str(building_id) + ".jpg", img[y:y+h, x:x+w])

# cv2.imwrite(chip_path + image_id + "_" + str(building_id) + ".jpg", img[y:y+h, x:x+w])

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