A collection of Cine-Lights VU-Meters and More. All videos and instructions are at Cine-Lights Youtube Channel. Thanks Cine-Lights for all your Work and Effort.
Hi Cine-Lights I think I found the problem in the code having issues with the new versions of Arduino ide. The problem I found was with the Juggle effect. I changed it to the following code from:
The original code came I believe from:
https://codebender.cc/sketch:91857#FastLed%20Juggle.ino and the code works fine by itself.
The only thing that was causing the problem was the missing -1 at the end of NUM_LEDS. and now everything works fine for me. I'm using Arduino version 1.8.5 This fix also goes for the "sinelon" effect added -1 as well, and I changed all instances of " LEDS." to "FastLED." I found in the sketch.
void juggle() { // Several colored dots, weaving in and out of sync with each other curhue = thishue; // Reset the hue values. fadeToBlackBy(leds, N_PIXELS, faderate); for ( int i = 0; i < numdots; i++) { //leds[beatsin16(basebeat+i+numdots,0,N_PIXELS)] += CHSV(curhue, thissat, thisbright); //beat16 is a FastLED 3.1 function leds[beatsin16(basebeat+i+numdots,0,N_PIXELS - 1)] += CHSV(curhue, thissat, thisbright); //beat16 is a FastLED 3.1 function //leds[beatsin16( i + 7, 0, N_PIXELS - 1 )] |= CHSV(curhue, thissat, thisbright); // <==== Original code from FastLED samples. curhue += hueinc; } } // juggle()
I hope this works for everybody else.. Thanks for all your hard work.