qrn is a database load testing tool.
Currently developing the new tool. see https://github.com/winebarrel/qube
Usage of qrn:
-commit-rate int
commit rate
-data value
file path of execution queries for each agent
-driver string
database driver
-dsn string
data source name
ignore query error
-hbins int
histogram bins (default 10)
-hinterval string
histogram interval (default "0")
show histogram
output histogram html
-key string
json key of query (default "query")
-log string
file path of query log
-logtime string
execution time threshold for logged queries (default "0")
input data loop flag (default true)
-maxcount int
maximum number of queries for each agent. zero is unlimited
-nagents int
number of agents
-pre-query value
queries to be pre-executed for each agent
-query string
execution query
-random value
randomize the start position of input data
-rate int
rate limit for each agent (qps). zero is unlimited
-time int
test run time (sec). zero is unlimited (default 60)
Print version and exit
$ echo '{"query":"select 1"}' >> data.jsonl
$ echo '{"query":"select 2"}' >> data.jsonl
$ echo '{"query":"select 3"}' >> data.jsonl
$ qrn -data data.jsonl -dsn root:@/ -nagents 4 -rate 5 -time 10 -histogram
00:07 | 4 agents / run 184 queries (20 qps)
57µs - 115µs -
115µs - 173µs -
173µs - 231µs ---
231µs - 289µs ------------
289µs - 346µs ----------
346µs - 404µs ------------------------------------------
404µs - 462µs --------------------------------------------------------
462µs - 520µs ------------------------------
520µs - 760µs ----------
"DSN": "root:@/",
"Files": [
"PreQueries": null,
"Started": "2020-05-13T11:18:14.224848+09:00",
"Finished": "2020-05-13T11:18:24.559912+09:00",
"Elapsed": 10,
"Queries": 189,
"NAgents": 4,
"Rate": 5,
"QPS": 18.287694303306097,
"MaxQPS": 21,
"MinQPS": 18,
"MedianQPS": 19,
"ExpectedQPS": 20,
"LoopCount": 15894,
"Response": {
"Time": {
"Cumulative": "78.389862ms",
"HMean": "392.47µs",
"Avg": "414.761µs",
"P50": "418.565µs",
"P75": "462.099µs",
"P95": "532.099µs",
"P99": "735.68µs",
"P999": "760.585µs",
"Long5p": "632.823µs",
"Short5p": "218.38µs",
"Max": "760.585µs",
"Min": "182.384µs",
"Range": "578.201µs",
"StdDev": "90.961µs"
"Rate": {
"Second": 2411.0260584461803
"Samples": 189,
"Count": 189,
"Histogram": [
"57µs - 115µs": 1
"115µs - 173µs": 1
"173µs - 231µs": 4
"231µs - 289µs": 14
"289µs - 346µs": 12
"346µs - 404µs": 48
"404µs - 462µs": 63
"462µs - 520µs": 34
"520µs - 760µs": 12
"Token": "a579889e-97f9-4fd1-8b33-93ab2c78e6ad",
- https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#examples
- https://github.com/jackc/pgx/blob/master/stdlib/sql.go
$ echo '{"query":"select 1"}' >> data1.jsonl
$ echo '{"query":"select 2"}' >> data2.jsonl
$ qrn -data data1.jsonl -data data2.json -dsn root:@/ -rate 5 -time 10 -histogram # -nagents 2
If the -html
is added, the histogram HTML will be output.
$ qrn -data data.jsonl -dsn root:@/ -nagents 8 -time 15 -html -hinterval 5ms -html
00:07 | 1 agents / run 654003 queries (78425 qps)
output qrn-1589336606.html
- MySQL General Query Log parser
- qrn log analyzer
- MySQL load testing tools like mysqlslap that automatically generate test data
- Parser to extract SQL from postgresql.log