A Tumblr and Twitter Blog Backup Application
🛠 A tool based on Flutter for bulk renaming files and the ability to remove useless nested folders
An easy-to-use manga and dōjinshi downloader supporting 1000+ different websites
vits2 backbone with multilingual-bert
A modern GUI client based on Tauri, designed to run in Windows, macOS and Linux for tailored proxy experience
学习笔记 - 码云:
Custom mouse cursor theme based on the school RPG Blue Archive.
A clean, elegant, beautiful and powerful admin template, based on Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI and UnoCSS. 一个清新优雅、高颜值且功能强大的后台管理模板,基于最新的前端技术栈,包括 Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI 和 …
Pintree: Easily turn your browser bookmarks into a directory website and start monetizing in minutes.
Three.js 3D项目,包含冰墩墩🐼、数字城市🏙、3D人像👤、车模展示🚗、塞尔达传说🗡等一些3D趣味演示页面,持续优化中...访问链接如下👇
Learn how to build 3D websites from scratch with the Three.js Crash Course. It's a fun and practical way to create a portfolio that really pops!
antd table 表格头列拖拽 hook / React Hook makes antd Table Header resizable.
集找番、追番、看番的一站式弹幕追番平台,Bangumi 同步,BitTorrent,弹幕云过滤,100% Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform
A fluent design widgets library based on C++ Qt/PyQt/PySide. Make Qt Great Again.
The website for Herta, the cutest genius Honkai: Star Rail character out there.
Manga reader and library manager for the desktop