converts HTML into Jade format.
currently supports OS X and Linux platforms.
Windows is currently not supported because html2jade
uses jsdom
which in turn
depends on native code module Contextify
npm install -g html2jade
Outputs to stdout if input is URL
html2jade > twitter.jade
Outputs to file if input is file
html2jade mywebpage.html # outputs mywebpage.jade
html2jade public/*.html # converts all .html files to .jade
Convert HTML from stdin
cat mywebpage.html | html2jade -
To generate Scalate compatible output:
html2jade --scalate
html2jade --scalate > twitter.jade
html2jade --scalate mywebpage.html
html2jade --scalate public/*.html
-d, --double
- use double quotes for attributes-s, --scalate
- generate jade syntax compatible with Scalate-o, --outdir <dir>
- path to output generated jade file(s) to-n, --nspaces <n>
- the number of spaces to indent generated files with. Default is 2 spaces-t, --tabs
- use tabs instead of spaces--donotencode
- do not html encode characters. This is useful for template files which may contain expressions like {{username}}
To convert raw HTML into Jade:
var html2jade = require('html2jade');
var html = "<html><body>Hello World</body></html>";
html2jade.convertHtml(html, {}, function (err, jade) {
// do your thing
To convert DOM document into Jade (client-side):
// assumes html2jade.js file has been loaded
Html2Jade.convertDocument(document, {}, function (err, jade) {
// do your thing
Mostly usable but sometimes requires fixing up, usually involving conditionals and scripts indentation.
While converting a fairly complicated theme package with ~20 HTML files, I had to hand-edit just twice.
There is a web version of html2jade
kindly provided by @aaronpowell.
Miniclip is a Linux tray app that quickly converts HTML to Jade, CSS to Stylus and JS to Coffee from clipboard.
As of version 0.4, there is a simple unit test that converts HTML files in test/data
and compare them against Jade files in the same directory. Unit test harness requires coffee-script
and mocha
to be installed globally. Run the tests with command npm test