Web labeling tool for bitmap images and point clouds
Xtreme1 is an all-in-one data labeling and annotation platform for multimodal data training and supports 3D LiDAR point cloud, image, and LLM.
3D Bounding Box Annotation Tool (3D-BAT) Point cloud and Image Labeling
Vite Element Admin 是一个免费开源的中后台模版。使用了最新的vue3,vite2等主流技术开发,开箱即用的中后台前端解决方案,也可用于学习参考
Vite Element Admin 是一个免费开源的中后台模版。使用了最新的vue3,vite2等主流技术开发,开箱即用的中后台前端解决方案,也可用于学习参考
A Vue wrapper component for cropperjs
实现最简 vue3 模型( Help you learn more efficiently vue3 source code )
A modern vue admin panel built with Vue3, Shadcn UI, Vite, TypeScript, and Monorepo. It's fast!
🎉 A magical vue admin
A Vue3 component library based on Material Design 2 and 3, supporting mobile and desktop.
wj86843518 / vue-vben-admin
Forked from vbenjs/vue-vben-adminA modern vue admin. It is based on Vue3, vite and TypeScript. It's fast!
一个 quill 的封装,用于移动端 webview 的跨平台富文本编辑器,类似知乎移动端富文本
Vue前进刷新,后退不刷新(Forward refresh, back not refresh)
JavaScript UI component for interacting with audio waveforms
wj86843518 / peaks.js
Forked from bbc/peaks.jsJavaScript UI component for interacting with audio waveforms