This Geant4 code is performed with Multi-Thread mode, and The primary particle sources are readed from Phase shace file.
The geometry is considered of Linac_NovalisTx_Geant4.git.
- World
- Phantom designed by 3D-CAD (*.stl -> *.ply)
- Scorer (in middle of phantom, EPID position)
- Phase space file (filename: Phsp_FieldType3_v2.0_num1.txt)
- Detector (Voxel geometry 1000 x 1000)
The details of this code was writted in ""
date: 2017.05.04
All rights of "template_G4PhspWithMT" reserved to wjcheon.
If you have any question for this code, please send the e-mail to me.
plus, if you want to use this code for your research,
please let me know and add to authors in your paper.
Wonjoong Cheon
Ph.D intergrated program
Medical Physics Lab. - SUMP Lab.
Samsung Advanced Institute for Health Science & Technology(SAIHST), SungKyunKwan University.
B.E. Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering , Yonsei University.
B.S. Dept. of Radiological Science, Yonsei University.
Samsung Medical Center (Medical Physics)
National Cancer Center (Computer Vision)
Vatech Vision reasearch Center (CT recon)
Interest field
Medical physics, Monte-carlo simulation, Machine learning
[email protected],
Samsung Medical Center (06351) 81 Irwon-ro Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea