A repository containing small examples to illustrate the use of Koa for creating web applications and other HTTP servers.
make test
make lint
- 404 - 404 handling
- base-auth - middleware base auth example
- blog - multi-route & view rendering
- body-parsing - request body parsing
- compose - compose middlewares example
- conditional-middleware - shows how middleware may be conditionally applied
- cookies - cookie usage example
- csrf - middleware csrf example
- errors - error handling & propagation
- flash-messages - flash example
- hello-world - hello world application
- multipart - multipart example downloading files using co-busboy
- negotiation - negotiation usage example
- stream-file - simple file streaming
- stream-objects - objects streaming
- stream-server-side-events - server side events streaming
- stream-view - view streaming
- templates - simple view rendering
- upload - multi-file uploading
- vhost - virtual host example
- kails - A Web App like Rails build with Koa v2, Webpack and Postgres
- muffin - A content management system build on top of Koa v2
- links - experimental content sharing and collaboration platform
- component-crawler - crawl users and organizations for repositories with
s - bigpipe - Facebook's BigPipe implementation in koa and component
- webcam-mjpeg-stream - stream JPEG snapshots from your Mac
- cnpmjs.org - Private npm registry and web for Enterprise, base on koa, MySQL and Simple Store Service
- blog-mongo - the blog example from this repo, but using a MongoDb database, and tests
- koa-rest - A simple app to demo REST API
- koa-bookshelf - Koa example with CRUD, using MongoDB and Heroku comptability
- todo - A todo example written in koa and react
- koa-skeleton - A simple made-to-be-forked Koa app that uses Postgres and deploys to Heroku.
- Live demo: https://koa-skeleton.danneu.com
- nodejs-docs-samples - An example Koa app and tutorial for deploying to Google App Engine
- Live demo: http://koa-demo.appspot.com/
- koa-passport-mongoose-graphql - Koa 2 starterkit using mongoose, graphql setup, and authentication with passport
- koa2-boilerplate - A minimal boilerplate of koa v2 development
- api-boilerplate - API application boilerplate
- component-koa-et-al-boilerplate - Server/client boilerplate with component, livereload, and more