Deep-Learn model SSD_300x300 transplante to TensorRT(Nvidia Jetson Tx2)
#include "TensorSSD.h"
//create tensorSSD
TensorSSD* tensorSSD = new TensorSSD();
//initialize with dimension of the input
tensorSSD->convertCaffeSSDModel("SSD.prototxt", "SSD.model", "trtModel.cache")
NOTE: you should modify the deploy file to remove or comment the item that tensorRT not supported
//load model cached file & get cached file size
int cacheSize = tensorSSD->loadTensorSSDModel("./trtModel.cache",&cacheSize);
//prepare execution with confidence threshold (0~1.0)
- must in a video or image process loop
//a vector that detected objects will be received
vector<Rect> rectList;
//do inference with a image(RGBA)
tensorSSD->imageInference( (float4*)imgRGBA, &rectList);
Rect rect;
//print detected objects
for(int i=0;i<rectList.size();i++){
rect = rectList[i];
printf("Object detected %d: x = %d y = %d width = %d height = d\n",i,rect.x,rect.y,rect.width,rect.height);
- Ubuntu16.04,Cuda9.0,NV GEFORCE gtx 1060 on PC(x86_64)
- USB camera, mp4 file play on a smart phone.