Tags: wl4g-collect/libcimbar
Toggle v0.6.1f's commit message
Some tiny css tweaks for the 0.6.1f release
Using innerHeight instead of outer, and getting rid of a white border
that showed up in testing.
Toggle v0.6.1's commit message
Merge pull request sz3#97 from sz3/ui-misc-tweaks
Misc tweaks/updates to cimbar.js encoder UI
Toggle v0.6.0f's commit message
Merge pull request sz3#93 from sz3/old-app-hint-4c
Switch encoder default back to 4C for now
Toggle v0.6.0's commit message
Merge pull request sz3#92 from sz3/0.6-mode-switch
Update cimbar_js UI with "mode B" toggle + docs
Toggle v0.5.15's commit message
Merge pull request sz3#87 from sz3/build-and-css-bugfix-24-2
css bugfix + package-portable-linux script tweak
Toggle v0.5.14f's commit message
Merge pull request sz3#82 from sz3/ios-css-bugfix
Fix bug/change in ios (un)focus behavior?
Toggle v0.5.14's commit message
Merge pull request sz3#81 from sz3/pwa-and-bugfix
Add progressive web app config, and minor bugfix for symbol decoding
Toggle v0.5.12's commit message
Merge pull request sz3#63 from sz3/stdin
cli update: read input filenames from stdin
Toggle v0.5.11's commit message
Merge pull request sz3#61 from sz3/cimbar-recv
Bugfix + `cimbar_recv`, a test decoder app + ...
Toggle v0.5.10's commit message
Merge pull request sz3#60 from sz3/ci-package
Add scripts to build asm/wasm and portable linux + add github action to draft release on tag
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