Firmware codebase based on Zephyr for the HealthyPi Move system
Repository of microcontroller peripheral driver implementing the CMSIS-Driver API specification
CMSIS-DSP embedded compute library for Cortex-M and Cortex-A
NeuroKit2: The Python Toolbox for Neurophysiological Signal Processing
Eclipse ThreadX GUIX Studio provides a complete, embedded graphical user interface (GUI) library and design environment, facilitating the creation and maintenance of all graphical elements needed b…
OBSOLETE. Replaced by
STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32L4 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Dis…
HealthyPi is the first fully open-source, full-featured vital sign monitor. Using the Raspberry Pi as its computing and display platform, the HealthyPi add-on HAT turns the Raspberry Pi into a vita…
Microsoft's Embedded Wireless Framework is a design concept that enables users to abstract application code from host port drivers and communication adapter drivers primarily in microcontroller-bas…
Azure Quickstart Templates
Prediction of Blood Pressure from ECG and PPG signals using regression methods.
Perform AI-based heart monitoring tasks
Tiny, fast, non-dependent and fully loaded printf implementation for embedded systems. Extensive test suite passing.
1 circuit board design a day for 31 days.
Using a STM32F103 as a SPI based SD card reader example.
A ECG/Oximeter Monitor design using TI's AFE4400 and ADS1293 IC, and MSP430MCU. Also we have an Android app to display waveform.
lis2dw12 platform independent driver based on Standard C language and compliant with MISRA standard