Build Better Websites. Create modern, resilient user experiences with web fundamentals.
Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue)
Storybook is the industry standard workshop for building, documenting, and testing UI components in isolation
🚀 秘塔AI搜索逆向API【特长:超强检索超长输出】,支持高速流式输出、超强联网搜索(全网or学术以及简洁、深入、研究三种模式),零配置部署,多路token支持,仅供测试,如需商用请前往官方开放平台。
Horizon UI JavaScript ⭐️ The trendiest & innovative Open Source Admin Template for Chakra UI & React!
This Chrome extension allows you to bypass the Wall Street Journal paywall for reading articles.
Chrome extension to bypass Wall Street Journal, New York Times( NYTimes ) and paywalls
Web-scraping tool for Wall Street Journal articles.
Python data Manipulation, visualizations and Natural Language Processing analysis for Wall Street Journal web scraping project #2 for NYC Data Science Academy bootcamp
⚙️ Browser devtools extension for debugging Vue.js applications.
A user-friendly, multi-platform GUI for managing and running CrewAI agents and tasks. Supports Conda and virtual environments, no coding needed.
Interactive user interface for CrewAI package.
fuint会员营销系统是一款实体店铺会员管理、积分商城、营销系统。基于Java SpringBoot、Vue、Uniapp,包含前台微信小程序、h5、后台管理收银端。具有优惠券、预存卡、实体卡、集次(计次卡)、储值卡、电子券,会员积分体系,会员等级等营销功能。适合各类实体店铺结合线上电商系统,如:零售超市、汽车4S店、花店、甜品店、餐饮等。本系统可当成收银系统使用,打通了线下收银系统和线上会…
💬 @mentions for the Quill rich text editor
Drag & drop UI to build your customized LLM flow
基于 Nuxt.js 框架的 ChatGPT 类项目,支持 OpenAI 和 Azure 两种 API 切换,支持黑暗模式、中英日多语言切换。
RAG for Local LLM, chat with PDF/doc/txt files, ChatPDF. 纯原生实现RAG功能,基于本地LLM、embedding模型、reranker模型实现,无须安装任何第三方agent库。
📦 🚀 Blazing fast, simple and complete solution for micro frontends.
Streamlit Data Science and ML Apps in Python