multi-v2ray Public
Forked from Jrohy/multi-v2rayv2ray功能最全的一键部署脚本 & 管理脚本, 支持多用户多端口管理
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 8, 2018 -
lnmp Public
Forked from tcisme/lnmpAuto compile and install LNMP/LNMPA/LAMP on CentOS/RHEL/Fedora/Aliyun/Amazon,Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian/Deepin/Mint Linux. Easy install,upgrade and use.
Shell Other UpdatedSep 2, 2018 -
superembed.js Public
Forked from corbindavenport/superembed.jsFluid width for YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, VideoPress, DailyMotion, and more embedded videos.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 10, 2016 -
zxx.lib.css Public
Forked from zhangxinxu/zxx.lib.cssa css library for quick layout, especially for flow layout
CSS UpdatedMay 3, 2016 -
zepto.fullpage Public
Forked from yanhaijing/zepto.fullpage专注于移动端的fullPage.js
CSS MIT License UpdatedApr 28, 2016 -
videojs-youtube Public
Forked from videojs/videojs-youtubeYouTube playback technology for Video.js
JavaScript UpdatedApr 15, 2016 -
ie-blocker Public
Forked from panteng/ie-blocker一个精美的弹窗控件,帮助你通知用户他们的浏览器已经过时,并阻止用户继续访问网站
JavaScript UpdatedMar 23, 2016 -
ihover Public
Forked from gudh/ihoveriHover is a collection of hover effects using pure CSS, inspired by codrops article, powered by Sass.
HTML UpdatedAug 7, 2015 -
sublimetext-css-primer Public
Forked from vaicine/sublimetext-css-primerConverts HTML classes and IDs into CSS
Python UpdatedDec 5, 2013