⚠️ Before using these dotfiles/script you should review the code and remove things you don't want or need.
cd; git clone https://github.com/Woanversace/dotfiles; cd dotfiles; ./bootstrap
cd; curl -#L https://github.com/Woanversace/dotfiles/tarball/master | tar -xzv --strip-components 1 --exclude={README.md}; ./boostrap
Have no idea why @romainLanz removed his repo. So if you get erorr, please reconfig the romainlanz's URL to this repo.
Here's a list of software that I use.
- Affinity Photo & Designer - Best Adobe CS Alternative
- Airmail2 - Mail Client
- Alfred - App Launcher & more
- AppCleaner - Uninstaller
- Atom - Text Editor
- Bartender 2 - Organize your menu bar apps
- DaisyDisk - Analyse disk usage and free up disk space
- Evernote - Sharing
- Frank DeLoupe - Color picker
- Hazel - Automated Organization
- Helium - Floating window
- iTerm2 + oh-my-zsh - Terminal
- JetBrains IDE - IDE
- LastPass - Password manager
- Little Snitch 3 - Protects your privacy
- Micro Snitch - Protects your privacy
- Moom - Tiling Window Manager
- mpv - Movie player
- Plex - Media center
- PSequel - PostgreSQL Manager (waiting for SequelPro)
- Reeder - RSS Reader
- Royal TSX - Remote Management Solution
- ScreenFlow - Screencast recorder
- SequelPro - MySQL Manager
- Slack - Messaging tool
- Transmit - (S)FTP
- Übersicht - Widgets
- VirtualBox - Virtualisation
- VMWare Fusion - Virtualisation