- This is a Python3 implementation of generalised message-passing framework (GMP) and GraphSNN neural model for node classification and graph classification.
- torch (>= 1.7.1)
- keras (>= 2.2.2)
- tensorflow (>= 1.9.0)
- torch_geometric (>= 2.0.1)
- ogb (>= 1.3.1)
- networkx (>= 2.2)
- numpy (>=1.19.0)
- scipy (>=1.2.1)
- cython (>=0.27.3)
* Files description
* graphsn_standard_splits_node_classification.ipynb - Node classification with standard splits
* graphsn_random_splits_node_classification.ipynb - Node classification with random splits
* utils.py - Data preprocessing and loading the data
* models.py - N-layer GNN model with GraphSNN_M for node classification
* layers.py - GraphSNN_M layer
* For node classification tasks, we use four citation network datasets:
[1] Cora, Citeseer and Pubmed for semi-supervised document classification
[2] NELL for semi-supervised entity classification
* The experimental results show that our method consistently outperforms all state-of-the-art methods on all benchmark datasets.
* We consider the four popular message-passing GNNs: GCN, GAT, GIN, and GraphSAGE.
* Files description
* ogbg_mol.ipynb - GraphSNN evaluation on OGB graph dataset
* conv.py - GraphSNN convolution along the graph structure
* gnn.py - GraphSNN pooling function to generate whole-graph embeddings
* For large graph classification tasks, we use five large graph datasets from Open Graph Benchmark (OGB),
including four molecular graph datasets (ogbg-molhiv, ogbg-moltox21, ogbg-moltoxcast and ogb-molpcba) and one protein-protein association network (ogbg-ppa).
We also consider a variant, denoted as GraphSNN+VN, which performs the message passing over augmented graphs with virtual nodes in GraphSNN.
* Files description
* graphsn_graph_classification.ipynb - GraphSNN cross validation
* graph_data.py - Data preprocessing and loading the data
* data_reader.py - Read the txt files containing all data of the dataset
* models.py - GNN model with multiple GraphSNN layers for constructing the readout function
* layers.py - GraphSNN layer
* We evaluate our model on standard stratified splits and random splits. We use eight benchmark datasets grouped in two categories.
(1) 6 from bioinformatics datasets - MUTAG, PTC-MR, COX2, BZR, PROTEINS, and D&D
(2) 2 from social network datasets - IMDB-B and RDT-M5K
Please cite our paper if you use this code in your research work.
title={A New Perspective on" How Graph Neural Networks Go Beyond Weisfeiler-Lehman?"},
author={Wijesinghe, Asiri and Wang, Qing},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},
MIT License
Please contact me: [email protected] if you have any questions or submit a Github issue if you find any bugs.