Rem-CSharp Public
TehranAirQuality Public
simple air quality data fetcher for tehran
C# MIT License UpdatedDec 13, 2024 -
dotnet-vim Public
Dotnet-Vim - A simple plugin to interface with the dotnet CLI from Vim (WIP)
wim Public
This is a Vim configuration that gets you a similar experience as a full-featured IDE. This is accomplished using native vim features with the help of some plugins.
vim-piper Public
text to speech for vim using piper
sahara-vim Public
An improved version of Vim's desert colorscheme
BASH_Scripts_For_Everyone Public
A collection of BASH scripts that might benefit all *nix users
mdv Public
Simple Markdown Viewer in C
vim-literate-md Public
Forked from gpanders/vim-medievalLiterate programming within Vim | Evaluate Markdown code blocks within Vim | Improved
literate Public
A small literate programming plugin for Vim
ezra-bible-app Public
Forked from ezra-bible-app/ezra-bible-appEzra Bible App is a modern and user-friendly Bible app for desktops, tablets and mobiles focussing on topical study
1secmail-tui Public
1secmail temp mail tui in perl5
vim-live-server Public
A live web server for Vim/NeoVim - see your changes in real time
FreeBSD_Post_Install Public archive
This is a FreeBSD post-installation script that automates the process of downloading and installing the necessary packages and performing various tasks.
bible-api Public
Forked from wldeh/bible-apiFree Unlimited Bible API with support for 200+ versions and languages.⚡
bash-dungeon Public
An educational dungeon crawler in the shell
piper Public
Forked from rhasspy/piperA fast, local neural text to speech system
vim-espeak Public
text to speech for vim using espeak
vim-ddgpb Public
Search DuckDuckGo or Submit Code to PasteBin from Vim
awesome-vim9 Public
Forked from saccarosium/awesome-vim9Collection of awesome vim9script plugins.
Mitra-Vim Public
A soothingly colorful colorscheme based on the Persian color palette for vim/nvim
Mono-Vim Public
A somber monochromatic colorscheme with almost no syntax highlights
vimdict Public
A Simple Wrapper Over The Dict CLI Utility For Vim9
mdx Public
Forked from arimatakao/mdxmdx is a command-line interface program for downloading manga from the MangaDex website. The program uses MangaDex API to fetch manga content.
vim-ez-emoji Public
An easy emoji plugin for vim written in vim9script