- Short history of BART / overview of area it covers
What is it's total budget?
- What does it's budget look like? How much for employees?
- How many tax dollars does it cost? Cost to individual taxpayer?
How many people ride BART?
- Which stations have most ridership?
How much value does BART add to the area?
What is the history of BART/union negotiations?
- History of voting results on transportation ballot measures http://www.mtc.ca.gov/maps_and_data/GIS/maps/monthly/TranspoBallotResults-BAvsSTATE.pdf
What are the points of contention?
- Pay
- Pensions
- Medical benefits
How much do BART employees make? (Pay)
- What employees make the most? What do they do?
- How do BART employees salaries compare to others in transit industry?
- How do BART employee salaries compare to inflation?
- Are employees making more/less than they did 10 years ago? 20?
- How do BART employee salaries compare to salaries in the bay area? How do they compare to tech employees?
- Non-management Salaries with crossfilter and simple statistics http://tributary.io/inlet/6148096
- Management salaries http://tributary.io/inlet/6153614
- Inflation vs raises http://tributary.io/inlet/6153454
- BART map with stations as JSON http://tributary.io/inlet/6148762
- Animating on a BART line http://tributary.io/inlet/6149065
- BART monthly ridership http://tributary.io/inlet/6149542
- Income with inflation - previous and projected ( http://tributary.io/inlet/6152634 )
- Employee Salaries https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiFtsy5d3JwNdE9tOWRtbmh5WTJSYnpaNktwUWJjYnc#gid=3
- scraped from http://www.mercurynews.com/salaries/bay-area
- Ridership http://www.bart.gov/about/reports/ridership.aspx
- BART's 2013 financials are available in a PDF (page 5) http://www.bart.gov/docs/financials/FY2013_BART_Budget.pdf
- Article comparing transit salaries in other cities with BART http://www.mercurynews.com/bart/ci_23742276/bart-workers-paychecks-already-outpace-their-peers
- Here's a good overview read from Mother Jones: http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2013/07/bay-area-transit-strike-why-it-matters
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay_Area_Rapid_Transit
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Bay_Area_Rapid_Transit
- Municiple tax shelters http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BATN/message/42479
- Median income at BART stations http://dangrover.github.io/sf-transit-inequality https://github.com/dangrover/sf-transit-inequality
- July 30 article on strike http://www.timesheraldonline.com/news/ci_23773852/unions-may-issue-72-hour-notice-strike-if
Highway Data
- Traffic volume on Cali highways (search for bay bridge) http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/saferesr/trafdata/2012TrafficVolumes.pdf
- HOV lane data http://www.dot.ca.gov/dist4/highwayops/docs/2011%20Revised%20HOV%20Report.pdf
- Traffic data http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/saferesr/trafdata/index.htm
Surrounding Data
- Bay Area census http://www.bayareacensus.ca.gov/historical/historical.htm (countypopulations.csv top10cities.csv)
- U.S. monthly inflation http://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/historical-inflation-rates/ (stored in monthlyinflation.csv)
- BLS U.S. Historical Wage Data, 2001 - 2013 (Current Dollar) ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/suppl/eci.echistrynaics.txt
- CA MTC http://dataportal.mtc.ca.gov/spatial-library.aspx
- GIS data (maps, census) http://www.mtc.ca.gov/maps_and_data/GIS/data.htm (shp files converted to geojson and topojson)
- US Atlas https://github.com/mbostock/us-atlas
- US Cost of Living: http://cost-of-living.findthedata.org/l/60/San-Francisco-CA-Metro-Area
- I'd be interested in looking at the property values surrounding BART stations with the Trulia API http://developer.trulia.com/
Industry Classification via BLS: Transportation and Warehousing: NAICS 48-49 The transit and ground passenger transportation subsector (NAICS 485) consists of these industry groups:
- Urban Transit Systems: NAICS 4851
- Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation: NAICS 4852
- Taxi and Limousine Service: NAICS 4853
- School and Employee Bus Transportation: NAICS 4854
- Charter Bus Industry: NAICS 4855
- Other Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation: NAICS 4859
- SF Transit History http://sftransithistory.com/