This is a small K/V library written Go, which uses AWS DynamoDB as the data store.
It supports create, read, update and delete (CRUD) for key/value pairs.
The following example illustrates CRUD with optimistic locking for create, update and delete. To ensure changes are atomic a version attribute stored with the record in dynamodb.
awsCfg := &aws.Config{}
client := dynastore.New(awsCfg)
tbl := client.Table("CRMTable")
customersPart := tbl.Partition("customers")
// the payload of the record contains any data which isn't a part of the sort key
newCustomer := &Customer{Name: "welcome"}
// a local index which uses created is provided in the extra fields, this is used to list records by creation date
indexFields := &Index{Created: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339)}
// create a record using atomic put, this will ensure the key is unique with any collision triggering a error
created, kv, err := customersPart.AtomicPut("01FCFSDXQ8EYFCNMEA7C2WJG74", dynastore.WriteWithString(newCustomer.ToJson()), dynastore.WriteWithFields(indexFields.ToFields()))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to put: %s", err)
log.Printf("created: %v, id: %s, name: %s, version: %d", created, kv.Partition, kv.Key, kv.Version)
// read back the records
page, err := customersPart.ListPage("", dynastore.ReadWithLocalIndex("idx_created", "created"), dynastore.ReadWithLimit(100))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to put: %s", err)
log.Printf("found records count: %d", len(page.Keys))
// update the record
newCustomer.Status = "enabled"
// perfom an atomic update, ensuring that the record hasn't changed version in the time between create and update
// this uses optimistic locking via a version attribute stored with the record in dynamodb
created, kv, err = customersPart.AtomicPut("01FCFSDXQ8EYFCNMEA7C2WJG74", dynastore.WriteWithString(newCustomer.ToJson()), dynastore.WriteWithPreviousKV(kv))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to put: %s", err)
log.Printf("created: %v, id: %s, name: %s version: %d", created, kv.Partition, kv.Key, kv.Version)
// perform an atomic delete of the record, this again uses optimistic locking via a version attribute stored with the record in dynamodb
deleted, err := customersPart.AtomicDelete("01FCFSDXQ8EYFCNMEA7C2WJG74", kv)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to put: %s", err)
log.Printf("deleted: %v, id: %s, name: %s version: %d", deleted, kv.Partition, kv.Key, kv.Version)
The main problems I am trying to solve in with this package are:
- Enable users of the API to store and coordinate work across resources, using multiple lambdas, and containers running in a range of services.
- Provide a solid and simple storage API which can be used no matter how small your project is.
- Try and make this API simple, while also reduce the operations for this service using AWS services.
DynamoDB is used for storage in a range of Amazon provided APIs and libraries, so I am not the first to do this. see references. This service also satisfy the requirement to be easy to start with as it is a managed service, no EC2 or patching required.
I am currently working on some testing around this, but with a bit of tuning you can keep the read/write load very low. But this is specifically designed as a starting point, while ensuring there is a clear abstraction between the underlying services and your code.
To manage this I would recommend you set alarms for read / write metrics, start with on demand but you will probably want to switch to specific read/write limits for production.
Prior work in this space:
This borrows a lot of ideas, tests and a subset of the API from
Updates to the original API are based on a great blog post by @davecheney
This code was authored by Mark Wolfe and licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.