A programmable interface around the Flutter daemon protocol.
The flutter
command-line tool supports running as a daemon server, allowing developers to control
the running flutter application by using the built-in JSON-RPC
communication protocol.
This package provides a programmable interface on top of that to allow developers to use the daemon with a strongly typed API. It maps all the documented method that the daemon supports and allows developers to listen to events emitted by the daemon.
Add flutter_daemon
as a dependency to your pubspec.yaml file (what?).
You can then import the Flutter daemon:
import 'package:flutter_daemon/flutter_daemon.dart';
You can start using the Flutter daemon by creating an instance of the daemon and running a Flutter application:
import 'package:flutter_daemon/flutter_daemon.dart';
void main() async {
final daemon = FlutterDaemon();
daemon.events.listen((event) {
// Listen to events emitted by the daemon.
// You can run an application from the daemon.
// Or alternatively you can attach using `daemon.attach`
final application = daemon.run(
arguments: [
// Any flutter arguments go here.
workingDirectory: 'your/flutter/app/location/',
application.events.listen((event) {
// Listen to events specifically emitted by this application.
// Restart the application
await application.restart();
// Detach from the application, but don't stop it.
await application.detach();
// Stop the application.
await application.stop();
You can call both Flutter and Dart service extensions using the daemon as well:
void main() async {
final daemon = FlutterDaemon();
final application = daemon.run(
/// ...
final response = await application.callServiceExtension('ext.myExtension.handler', {
'some': 'parameters'
if (response.hasError) throw response.error;
Once you run
or attach
an application the daemon can't be reused until you close it's current
void main() async {
final daemon = FlutterDaemon();
final application1 = daemon.run(
// ...
// If you don't close it and try to run or attach again it will throw a StateError.
await daemon.close();
final application2 = daemon.attach(
// ...
Once you are completely done with the daemon make sure you dispose
of it correctly:
void main() async {
final daemon = FlutterDaemon();
// ...
await daemon.dispose();
Have you found a bug or have a suggestion of how to enhance Goose? Open an issue and we will take a look at it as soon as possible.
Do you want to contribute with a PR? PRs are always welcome, just make sure to create it from the correct branch (main) and follow the checklist which will appear when you open the PR.