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Help Translating

Ciprian Popescu edited this page Mar 30, 2021 · 1 revision

Help Translation

It would be really awesome to offer in many different languages! So you're really Welcome to translate in your (native) language, but don't worry there are just a few strings. Each translator gets also immortalized in the README file (as well as in the CHANGELOG file), gladly with link to your website too!

Thanks to every translator!

How To Translate

You can translate by creating a new Issue or a complete Fork. Both methods requires a language code, which you can find here.

Create a new Issue

Create a new Issue with the topic named "Translation: {lang_code}" and the follwing content (replace the "Your Translation" text below with the respective translated text ;D).

### All
-   "Your Translation"
### None
-   "Your Translation"
### Select All
-   "Your Translation"
### Unselect All
-   "Your Translation"
### No Options available
-   "Your Translation"
### No Options found
-   "Your Translation"
### You can't select more Options
-   "Your Translation"
### Select an Option...
-   "Your Translation"
### Select up to :limit Options...
-   "Your Translation"
### Type in to search...
-   "Your Translation"
### This Field is disabled
-   "Your Translation"

Create a new Fork

You can also fork this repository to your Account and create a new file within the langs folder with the following name:{lang_code}.js. Paste the following code in this file and translate the strings into your language. After you have done this you can create a new Pull Request, and after a short check, this gets also released by us!

German Example:

   if(typeof(define) == "function" && define.amd){
           return function(select){ factory(select); };
   } else {
       if(typeof(window.tail) != "undefined" &&{
    select.strings.register("de", {
        all: "Alle",
        none: "Keine",
        actionAll: "Alle auswählen",
        actionNone: "Keine auswählen",
        empty: "Keine Optionen verfügbar",
        emptySearch: "Keine Optionen gefunden",
        limit: "Keine weiteren Optionen auswählbar",
        placeholder: "Wähle eine Option...",
        placeholderMulti: "Wähle bis zu :limit Optionen...",
        search: "Tippen zum suchen...",
        disabled: "Dieses Feld ist deaktiviert"
    return select;


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