The workflow for training action classification model is as follow:
1.Dataset preparation
- Detect driver spatial location in the video, then crop each video based on the driver bounding box.
- Trimming Videos the input videos should be a trimmed videos i.e., contains only one action in each video.
- Prepare csv Files for the training and validation sets.
2.Featrue extraction
- Download open source pre-training weights.
- Finetune training using A1 dataset.
- Extracting A2 video features using trained weights.
- Using the features to train the task of temporal action localization.
- Generating the action location csv files with start and end time.
4.Time correction
- get txt file of one TAL model result.
- get final merged txt file of multi txt.
The workflow for testing action classification model is as follow:
1.Dataset preparation
- crop the human body of the input videos
python yolov5/ --vid_path 'specify videos path based on the workspace' --out_file 'specify the path of output videos based on the workspace'
- generate json file of B dataset
python --data_path 'the path to the B dataset' --lable_path 'the path to the annotation files of B ' --json_output 'the path to the generated json file'
2.Featrue extraction
- Download weights.
- Extracting video features of B dataset using trained weights.
Firstly, to extract video features using ViT-H on rear view and dash view of official videos, you can run:
python --ckpt_pth ./weights/ --video_dir XXX --output_dir XXX --select_view Rear --device cuda:0 python --ckpt_pth ./weights/ --video_dir XXX --output_dir XXX --select_view Dash --device cuda:0
Secondly, to extract video features using ViT-L on rear view and dash view of official videos, you can run:
python --model_path ./weights/ --video_dir XXX --save_dir XXX --view Rear --device cuda:0 python --model_path ./weights/ --video_dir XXX --save_dir XXX --view Dash --device cuda:0 python --model_path ./weights/ --video_dir XXX --save_dir XXX --view Rear --device cuda:0 python --model_path ./weights/ --video_dir XXX --save_dir XXX --view Dash --device cuda:0
Modify the relevant config file(./configs/aicity_action_xxx.yaml), change the path of "feat_folder" and "json_file".
Generating the action location csv files with start and end time.
cd ./MA-Actionformer
python ./ ./configs/aicity_action_k400.yaml ./ckpt/aicity_action_vmae_vitHK400_3modelAIcityA1_1280_crop_rear_A1-train_A2-infe python ./ ./configs/aicity_action_ego.yaml ./ckpt/aicity_action_ego4d_verb_vitl_track3_crop_pred_rear_A1-train_A2-infe python ./ ./configs/aicity_action_hybird.yaml ./ckpt/aicity_action_hybrid_k700_vitl_track3_crop_pred_e35_A1-train_A2-infe
cd ./tridet
python ./ ./configs/aicity_action.yaml ./ckpt/aicity_videomae_vitHK400_3modelAIcityA1_1280+16_personOnly_A1-train_A2-infe_tridet
4.Time correction
- get txt file of one TAL model result.
python --csv_path 'the path to the csv file got in action_detection_code' --out_file 'the file name of the generated txt file'
- get final merged txt file of multi txt.
python --txt_path_list 'the paths to the txt file ' --out_file 'the file name of the generated txt file'