This is an Arduino library for the 24-bit, 4 channel ADS1220 ADC. I have tried to make it convenient and easy to use. All features of the ADS1220 have been implemented. The examples should help to understand how to use the functions.
If you like the library, it would be great if you could give a star. If you find bugs, please inform me.
On my website you find:
- An article about the ADS1220 and the use of this library (German) (English)
- An article how to use the ADS1220 for typical applications, such as thermocouples, NTCs, RTDs or Wheatstone bridges: (German) (English)
The sketch ADS1220_WE_two_devices_one_spi_interface.ino is only working with the Arduino UNO R4 Minima or the Arduino UNO R4 WiFi with a small workaround: choose slightly different SPI clock speeds for both devices, although this has no real effect (see example sketch ADS1220_two_devices_one_spi_interface). On an Arduino UNO R3, it works perfectly without the workaround. Any idea what could be the root cause and how to solve this without workaround is welcome!