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╠═1 install
║░╠═1 on Ubuntu14
║░╠═2 on Ubuntu16
║░╠═3 on Ubuntu18
║░╚═4 nvidia-docker on Ubuntu16
╠═2 docker : Command Line Interface
║░╠═1 attach
║░║░╚═1 docker attach
║░╠═2 build
║░║░╚═1 Dockerfile
║░║░░░╚═1 ENV
║░║░░░░░╚═1 docker build Dockerfile ENV
║░╠═3 commit
║░║░╚═1 docker commit
║░╠═4 cp
║░║░╚═1 docker copy
║░╠═5 etc
║░║░╚═1 docker exit
║░╠═6 exec
║░║░╚═1 docker exec CONTAINER ps -aef
║░╠═7 export
║░║░╚═1 docker export
║░╠═8 images
║░║░╚═1 docker images
║░╠═9 import
║░║░╚═1 docker import
║░╠═10 inspect
║░║░╚═1 docker inspect
║░╠═11 load
║░║░╚═1 docker load
║░╠═12 network
║░║░╠═1 create
║░║░║░╠═1 docker network create mynet --driver bridge --subnet --ip-range --gateway : manually defined network
║░║░║░╚═2 docker network create postgres-network : default defined network
║░║░╠═2 driver
║░║░║░╠═1 docker network create mynet --driver bridge : a default driver of docker network
║░║░║░╠═2 docker network create mynet --driver container : a driver of docker network
║░║░║░╚═3 docker network create mynet --driver host : a driver of docker network
║░║░╠═3 inspect
║░║░║░╚═1 docker network inspect bridge
║░║░╚═4 ls
║░║░░░╚═1 docker network ls
║░╠═13 port
║░║░╚═1 docker port
║░╠═14 ps
║░║░╚═1 docker ps
║░╠═15 pull
║░║░╚═1 docker pull
║░╠═16 run document
║░║░╠═1 docker run --cpus : Number of CPUs
║░║░╠═2 docker run -it : -i --interactive Keep STDIN open even if not attached, -t -tty Allocate a pseudo-TTY
║░║░╠═3 docker run --network : --network Connect a container to a network
║░║░╠═4 docker run --ip --add-host : -ip IPv4 address, --add-host Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip)
║░║░╠═5 docker run -p : -p --publish Publish a container's port(s) to the host
║░║░╠═6 docker run -v ./python_workspace:/home/python_workspace : -v --volume Bind mount a volume
║░║░╠═7 docker run --restart always : Always restart the container regardless of the exit status.
║░║░╚═8 docker run --volumes-from : Mount volumes from the specified container(s)
║░╠═17 save
║░║░╚═1 docker save
║░╠═18 search
║░║░╚═1 docker search
║░╚═19 start
║░║░╚═1 docker start
║░╚═20 tag
║░░░╚═1 docker tag
╚═3 ETC
░░╠═1 docker pull busybox
░░║░╚═1 docker data container image
░░╠═2 dockerize mysql
░░╠═3 on docker container : install python3 and it's system package
░░╠═4 install gitlab on docker
░░╚═5 docker korean document

$ docker build -t image:tag -f Dockerfile .
$ docker images


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