Tags: wordslab-org/wordslab
Toggle v0.9.2's commit message
Add a shortcut "install" command
Toggle jupyter-stack_vjupyterlab-3.6.5-lambda-0.1.14-22.04.1_2's commit message
Various fixes in jupyter-stack Dockerfile
Toggle jupyter-stack_vjupyterlab-3.6.5-lambda-0.1.14-22.04.1's commit message
Fixing bug in the latest version of traitlets
Toggle lambda-stack-server_v22.04.2's commit message
Fix for cuda 12.2 dependency in lambda-stack-cuda.Dockerfile
Toggle lambda-stack_v0.1.14-22.04.1's commit message
Use the right shell for echo-e
Toggle v0.9.1's commit message
Enable basic host init / vm create / notebooks app deploy scenario fr…
…om web ui
Toggle lambda-stack_v0.1.13-22.04.2's commit message
Add workflows to build lambda-stack and jupyter-stack images
Toggle jupyter-stack_vjupyterlab-3.6.3-lambda-0.1.13-22.04.2's commit message
Adjust tag for lambda-stack image
Toggle v0.8.3's commit message
Fix bugs with initial WSL install and update
Toggle v0.8.2's commit message
Bump version number to 0.8.2
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