Lightweight client socket solution, you can used it in C# project or Unity3d
UniVRM is a gltf-based VRM format implementation for Unity. English is here . 日本語 はこちら
woxinfeixiang2012 / knight
Forked from winddyhe/knightKnight is a game framework based on Unity3D engine. It includes a complete assetbundle manager, a c# hotfix module based on ILRuntime, and a UI module based on MVVM, and other basic functions support.
BRVAH:Powerful and flexible RecyclerAdapter
Download Bitmap tool is based on Picasso (基于Picasso的图片下载封装类)
Download Bitmap tool is based on Picasso (基于Picasso的图片下载封装类)
Examples for ObjectBox Android/Java, the super-fast database