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=== Filter Pages by parent in admin ===
Contributors: irvingswiftj, Matthew Burrows, Electric Studio
Tags: wp-admin, parent, filter, pages, page, sort, child
Requires at least: 3.1
Tested up to: 3.4
Stable tag: 1.3

Filter pages in the wp-admin by their parent

== Description ==

Adds a filter in your wp-admin that allows you to choose a parent page so that only the children of that page will be shown. Very useful if you have a lot of pages!
Thank you to Brian Krogsgard for the changes in version 1.3 (Twitter: @Krogsgard)

== Installation ==

Install from wordpress plugins directory.

Else, to install manually:

1. Upload unzipped plugin folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

== Screenshots ==

1. The filter select box (the right most option box)

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =
* Version 1.

= 1.1 =
* bug fix for Drafts and Trashed Pages

= 1.2 =
* Works on multiple post types
* Limited to heirachical post types only
* No longer erroneously appear in the media section
* Is now Object Orientated rather than procedural 

= 1.3 =
* Filtering improved
* Dropdown menu is better organised when showing filtered posts

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.0 =
Inital Release

= 1.1 =
Bug fix

= 1.2 =
Slight fine tuning

= 1.3 =
* Filtering improved
* Dropdown menu is better organised when showing filtered posts