Anti-UAV410: A Thermal Infrared Benchmark and Customized Scheme for Tracking Drones in the Wild
This toolkit is used to evaluate trackers on generalized infrared UAV tracking benchmark called Anti-UAV410. The benchmark comprises a total of 410 videos with over 438K manually annotated bounding boxes.
The SiamDT Tracker has been released! Please refer to path trackers/SiamDT/.
The Matlab version of the AntiUAV410 benchmark has been released! Please refer to path toolkit_matlab/.
The Python version of the AntiUAV410 benchmark has been released!
Download the Anti-UAV410 dataset (Google drive and Baidu disk Access code: a410) to your disk, the organized directory should look like:
note that the annotations for each video attribute are under the annos/test/att or annos/train/att or annos/val/att paths.
Step 1. Create a conda environment and activate it.
conda create -n AntiUAV410 python=3.9.12
conda activate AntiUAV410
Step 2. Install the requirements.
pip install opencv-python, matplotlib, wget, shapely
pip install torch===1.9.1 -f
pip install torchvision===0.10.1 -f
Other versions of python, cuda and torch are also compatible.
Step 3. Testing the default SiamFC tracker.
Change the dataset_path in the file to the path where the dataset is located.
The tracking results will be saved at project_dir/results/AntiUAV410/test/SiamFC.
Step 4. Install the SiamDT tracker.
Please refer to the installation tutorials.
Step 5. Downloading the tracking results compared in the paper.
Download the tracking results (Google drive and Baidu disk Access code: a410) to your project directory, the organized directory should look like:
The files inside the Defaults directory are the results of the trackers that are not trained with Anti-UAV410 dataset, while The files inside the Trained_with_antiuav410 directory are the results of the trackers that are re-trained with Anti-UAV410 dataset.
Step 6. Visual comparison.
Change the dataset path and select the trackers that need to be compared visually.
The comparison figures will be saved at project_dir/figures/.
``not exist'' in the figure means that the target is occluded or out of view.
Step 7. Evaluating the trackers.
Change the dataset path and edit project_dir/utils/ to select the trackers to be evaluated.
The evaluation plots will be saved at project_dir/reports/AntiUAV410/.
Over 50 trackers are involved, they are:
MixFormerV2-B. Cui, Yutao, et al. "Mixformerv2: Efficient fully transformer tracking." NIPS, 2023. [Github]
ROMTrack. Cai, Yidong, et al. "Robust object modeling for visual tracking." ICCV, 2023. [Github]
GRM. Gao, Shenyuan, et al. "Generalized relation modeling for transformer tracking." CVPR, 2023. [Github]
DropTrack. Wu, Qiangqiang, et al. "Dropmae: Masked autoencoders with spatial-attention dropout for tracking tasks." CVPR, 2023. [Github]
ARTrack. Wei, Xing, et al. "Autoregressive visual tracking." CVPR, 2023. [Github]
SeqTrack-B256. Chen, Xin, et al. "Seqtrack: Sequence to sequence learning for visual object tracking." CVPR, 2023. [Github]
SeqTrack-B384. Chen, Xin, et al. "Seqtrack: Sequence to sequence learning for visual object tracking." CVPR, 2023. [Github]
JointNLT. Zhou, Li, et al. "Joint visual grounding and tracking with natural language specification." CVPR, 2023. [Github]
SwinTrack-Tiny. Lin, Liting, et al. "Swintrack: A simple and strong baseline for transformer tracking." NIPS, 2022. [Github]
SwinTrack-Base. Lin, Liting, et al. "Swintrack: A simple and strong baseline for transformer tracking." NIPS, 2022. [Github]
ToMP50. Mayer, Christoph, et al. "Transforming model prediction for tracking." CVPR, 2022. [Github]
ToMP101. Mayer, Christoph, et al. "Transforming model prediction for tracking." CVPR, 2022. [Github]
TCTrack. Cao, Ziang, et al. "Tctrack: Temporal contexts for aerial tracking." CVPR, 2022. [Github]
SLT-TransT. Kim, Minji, et al. "Towards sequence-level training for visual tracking." ECCV, 2022. [Github]
OSTrack-256. Ye, Botao, et al. "Joint feature learning and relation modeling for tracking: A one-stream framework." ECCV, 2022. [Github]
OSTrack-384. Ye, Botao, et al. "Joint feature learning and relation modeling for tracking: A one-stream framework." ECCV, 2022. [Github]
AiATrack. Gao, Shenyuan, et al. "Aiatrack: Attention in attention for transformer visual tracking." ECCV, 2022. [Github]
Unicorn-Tiny. Yan, Bin, et al. "Towards grand unification of object tracking." ECCV, 2022. [Github]
Unicorn-Large. Yan, Bin, et al. "Towards grand unification of object tracking." ECCV, 2022. [Github]
RTS. Paul, Matthieu, et al. "Robust visual tracking by segmentation." ECCV, 2022. [Github]
KeepTrack. Mayer, Christoph, et al. "Learning target candidate association to keep track of what not to track." ICCV, 2021. [Github]
Stark-ST50. Yan, Bin, et al. "Learning spatio-temporal transformer for visual tracking." ICCV, 2021. [Github]
Stark-ST101. Yan, Bin, et al. "Learning spatio-temporal transformer for visual tracking." ICCV, 2021. [Github]
HiFT. Cao, Ziang, et al. "Hift: Hierarchical feature transformer for aerial tracking." ICCV, 2021. [Github]
STMTrack. Fu, Zhihong, et al. "Stmtrack: Template-free visual tracking with space-time memory networks." CVPR, 2021. [Github]
TrDiMP. Wang, Ning, et al. "Transformer meets tracker: Exploiting temporal context for robust visual tracking." CVPR, 2021. [Github]
TransT. Chen, Xin, et al. "Transformer tracking." CVPR, 2021. [Github]
ROAM. Yang, Tianyu, et al. "ROAM: Recurrently optimizing tracking model." CVPR, 2020. [Github]
Siam R-CNN. Voigtlaender, Paul, et al. "Siam r-cnn: Visual tracking by re-detection." CVPR, 2020. [Github]
SiamBAN. Chen, Zedu, et al. "Siamese box adaptive network for visual tracking." CVPR, 2020. [Github]
SiamCAR. Guo, Dongyan, et al. "SiamCAR: Siamese fully convolutional classification and regression for visual tracking." CVPR, 2020. [Github]
GlobalTrack. Huang, Lianghua, et al. "Globaltrack: A simple and strong baseline for long-term tracking." AAAI, 2020. [Github]
KYS. Bhat, Goutam, et al. "Know your surroundings: Exploiting scene information for object tracking." ECCV, 2020. [Github]
Super DiMP. -- -- --. [Github]
PrDiMP50. Danelljan, Martin, et al. "Probabilistic regression for visual tracking." CVPR, 2020. [Github]
SiamFC++. Xu, Yinda, et al. "Siamfc++: Towards robust and accurate visual tracking with target estimation guidelines." AAAI, 2020. [Github]
and so on.
- MixFormerV2-B. Cui, Yutao, et al. "Mixformerv2: Efficient fully transformer tracking." NIPS, 2023. [Github]
- DropTrack. Wu, Qiangqiang, et al. "Dropmae: Masked autoencoders with spatial-attention dropout for tracking tasks." CVPR, 2023. [Github]
- SwinTrack-Tiny. Lin, Liting, et al. "Swintrack: A simple and strong baseline for transformer tracking." NIPS, 2022. [Github]
- SwinTrack-Base. Lin, Liting, et al. "Swintrack: A simple and strong baseline for transformer tracking." NIPS, 2022. [Github]
- ToMP50. Mayer, Christoph, et al. "Transforming model prediction for tracking." CVPR, 2022. [Github]
- ToMP101. Mayer, Christoph, et al. "Transforming model prediction for tracking." CVPR, 2022. [Github]
- TCTrack. Cao, Ziang, et al. "Tctrack: Temporal contexts for aerial tracking." CVPR, 2022. [Github]
- AiATrack. Gao, Shenyuan, et al. "Aiatrack: Attention in attention for transformer visual tracking." ECCV, 2022. [Github]
- KeepTrack. Mayer, Christoph, et al. "Learning target candidate association to keep track of what not to track." ICCV, 2021. [Github]
- Stark-ST101. Yan, Bin, et al. "Learning spatio-temporal transformer for visual tracking." ICCV, 2021. [Github]
- Siam R-CNN. Voigtlaender, Paul, et al. "Siam r-cnn: Visual tracking by re-detection." CVPR, 2020. [Github]
- SiamBAN. Chen, Zedu, et al. "Siamese box adaptive network for visual tracking." CVPR, 2020. [Github]
- GlobalTrack. Huang, Lianghua, et al. "Globaltrack: A simple and strong baseline for long-term tracking." AAAI, 2020. [Github]
- KYS. Bhat, Goutam, et al. "Know your surroundings: Exploiting scene information for object tracking." ECCV, 2020. [Github]
- Super DiMP. -- -- --. [Github]
- PrDiMP50. Danelljan, Martin, et al. "Probabilistic regression for visual tracking." CVPR, 2020. [Github]
The annotations for each video attribute are under the annos/test/att or annos/train/att or annos/val/att paths, and the attributes in order are ['Thermal Crossover', 'Out-of-View', 'Scale Variation', 'Fast Motion', 'Occlusion', 'Dynamic Background Clutter', 'Tiny Size', 'Small Size', 'Medium Size', 'Normal Size']. The attributes for each frame are labelled in IR_label.json, but it is not complete.
If you find this project useful in your research, please consider cite:
title={Anti-UAV410: A Thermal Infrared Benchmark and Customized Scheme for Tracking Drones in the Wild},
author={Huang, Bo and Li, Jianan and Chen, Junjie and Wang, Gang and Zhao, Jian and Xu, Tingfa},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},