v3-admin-vite Public template
Forked from un-pany/v3-admin-vite☀️ A vue3 admin template | vue3 admin/element plus admin/vite admin/vue3 template/vue3 后台/vue3 模板/vue3 后台管理系统
Vue MIT License UpdatedSep 29, 2024 -
CNN-LSTM-Attention Public
使用卷积神经网络-长短期记忆网络(bi-LSTM)-注意力机制对股票收盘价进行回归预测。The convolution neural network, short-term memory network and attention mechanism are used to predict the closing price.
wechat-chatgpt Public
Forked from fuergaosi233/wechat-chatgptUse ChatGPT On Wechat via wechaty
TypeScript UpdatedFeb 20, 2023 -
chatgpt-on-wechat Public
Forked from zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat使用ChatGPT搭建微信聊天机器人,基于OpenAI API和itchat实现。Wechat robot based on ChatGPT, which using OpenAI api and itchat library.
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 18, 2023 -
aurora Public
Forked from linhaojun857/aurora基于SpringBoot+Vue开发的个人博客系统
Vue Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 25, 2023 -
xiaoyuanboke Public
Forked from yuanprogrammer/xiaoyuanboke个人博客平台(原创设计)开源,包括前台和后台管理,文章浏览,点赞,收藏,评论,搜索,问题反馈和建议反馈,文章档案,时间线,文章分类列表,博客留言,友链介绍,用户登录,用户注册(普通用户名注册,邮箱注册,手机号码注册),修改密码,忘记密码,个人信息修改,邮箱号码激活,音乐小插件听歌,后台可以有文章管理(发布编辑等)、文章分类管理、时间线管理、留言管理、用户管理、问题和建议反馈管理等
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 4, 2022 -
xiaoyuanboke-vue Public
Forked from yuanprogrammer/xiaoyuanboke-vue小袁Java学习站后台Vue
Vue UpdatedNov 30, 2022 -
Captcha Public
Forked from JT623/CaptchaCaptcha based on CNN using Pytorch.It has pretrain model and datasets
Python UpdatedNov 22, 2022 -
captcha_trainer Public
Forked from kerlomz/captcha_trainer[验证码识别-训练] This project is based on CNN/ResNet/DenseNet+GRU/LSTM+CTC/CrossEntropy to realize verification code identification. This project is only for training the model.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 24, 2022 -
SliderVerification Public
Forked from YunzhiYike/SliderVerification腾讯、百度、快手、抖音、京东移动滑块验证识别
Python UpdatedSep 14, 2022 -
Dlib_face_recognition_from_camera Public
Forked from coneypo/Dlib_face_recognition_from_cameraDetect and recognize the faces from camera / 调用摄像头进行人脸识别,支持多张人脸同时识别
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 19, 2022 -
RA-GCNv2 Public
RA-GCN v2 for incomplete skeleton-based action recognition, accepted by IEEE T-CSVT
2020_FORCE_Lithology_Prediction Public
Forked from olawaleibrahim/2020_FORCE_Lithology_PredictionJupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 27, 2020 -
Force-2020-Machine-Learning-competition Public
Forked from bolgebrygg/Force-2020-Machine-Learning-competitionthe results, code and the data for the Force 2020 Machine learning competition after the completion of the competition in October 2020.
Lasso UpdatedNov 19, 2020 -
cmorlet-tensorflow Public
Forked from nicolasigor/cmorlet-tensorflowA TensorFlow implementation of the Continous Wavelet Transform based on the complex Morlet wavelet.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedOct 3, 2020 -
Forked from buttersleung/MC_STGCNA multi-community spatio-temporal graph convolutional network (MC_STGCN) for passenger demand forecasting at multi-region level
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 28, 2020 -
Predict-the-rent-probability-of-a-room Public
Forked from Ultraopxt/Predict-the-rent-probability-of-a-room机器学习预测模型,分别用逻辑回归,决策树,随机森林,神经网络,XGBOOST和支持向量机算法建模,交叉验证,并选出AUC最优的模型。特征工程优化后,AUC值达到0.8259
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 26, 2020 -
ocr_chinese Public
Forked from felixBrave/ocr_chinese图像文字检测模型(EAST/AdvancedEAST),及包含文字识别模型(CRNN+CTC),Keras/TensorFlow实现.
Python UpdatedMar 20, 2020 -
pytorch-captcha-recognition Public
Forked from dee1024/pytorch-captcha-recognition基于CNN训练的一套 "端到端" 的验证码识别模型,使用深度学习+训练数据+大量计算力,纯数字识别率高达 99.99%,数字+字母识别率 96%
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 9, 2020 -
Hyperparameter-Tuning-XGBoost Public
Forked from Nickssingh/Hyperparameter-Tuning-XGBoostPython - Tuning parameters of XGBoost alogrithm using Cross-Validation
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 23, 2019