The University of New Hampshire Water Balance Model
This repository contains the open source release of the University of New Hampshire Water Balance Model
Authors and contact info:
Richard Lammers: [email protected]
Danielle Grogan: [email protected]
Shan Zuidema: [email protected]
Alex Prusevich: [email protected]
Stanley Glidden: [email protected]
General questions can be sent to: [email protected]
This directory contains: main executable model code.
WBM.conf: configuration file, contains directory and file paths to other inputs. custom perl library required by WBM
RIMS.conf: configuration file for
WBM_dataCube_expand.csv: list of WBM output variables, and info required for temporal aggregation by utilites/
RIMS/: directory containing RIMS perl library code.
This directory contains: script called by WBM to generate binary input files from primary input data. perl code to extract subsets of global digital river networks.
networkTools_manual.init: instruction manual for how to use spatial aggregation of WBM output. Can be called by temporal aggregation of WBM output. Can be called by flips row order in NetCDF files, if needed. Can be called by shifts/wraps raster datasets symmetrically around prime meridian in VRT files.
This version of WBM is being released by the Water Systems Analysis Group at the University of New Hampshire. Other research groups use unique development versions of WBM that may differ from the code provided here. If you use this model, please cite the following paper:
Grogan, D. S., Zuidema, S., Prusevich, A., Wollheim, W. M., Glidden, S., and Lammers, R. B.: Water balance model (WBM) v.1.0.0: a scalable gridded global hydrologic model with water-tracking functionality, Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 7287–7323,, 2022.
Earlier references for this model are: Wisser et al. 2010 and Appendix A from Grogan 2016:
Wisser, D., Fekete, B. M., Vörösmarty, C. J., and Schumann, A. H.: Reconstructing 20th century global hydrography: a contribution to the Global Terrestrial Network- Hydrology (GTN-H), Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 1–24,, 2010.
Grogan, Danielle Sarah, "Global and regional assessments of unsustainable groundwater use in irrigated agriculture" (2016). Doctoral Dissertations. 2260.
Model input data and a Singularity container with the required operating system and software dependencies can be found here: (