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domain: support dump plan replayer capture task during query (pingcap…
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Yisaer authored Nov 16, 2022
1 parent 3e8899e commit 5aa66cb
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Showing 15 changed files with 305 additions and 97 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions domain/BUILD.bazel
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,9 @@ go_library(
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39 changes: 30 additions & 9 deletions domain/domain.go
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Expand Up @@ -1532,11 +1532,17 @@ func (do *Domain) TelemetryRotateSubWindowLoop(ctx sessionctx.Context) {

// SetupPlanReplayerHandle setup plan replayer handle
func (do *Domain) SetupPlanReplayerHandle(ctx sessionctx.Context) {
do.planReplayerHandle = &planReplayerHandle{
planReplayerTaskCollectorHandle: &planReplayerTaskCollectorHandle{
sctx: ctx,
func (do *Domain) SetupPlanReplayerHandle(collectorSctx, dumperSctx sessionctx.Context) {
ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnStats)
do.planReplayerHandle = &planReplayerHandle{}
do.planReplayerHandle.planReplayerTaskCollectorHandle = &planReplayerTaskCollectorHandle{
ctx: ctx,
sctx: collectorSctx,
do.planReplayerHandle.planReplayerTaskDumpHandle = &planReplayerTaskDumpHandle{
ctx: ctx,
sctx: dumperSctx,
taskCH: make(chan *PlanReplayerDumpTask, 16),

Expand All @@ -1557,27 +1563,42 @@ func (do *Domain) StartPlanReplayerHandle() {
if planReplayerHandleLease < 1 {
go func() {
tikcer := time.NewTicker(planReplayerHandleLease)
defer func() {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("PlanReplayerHandle exited.")
util.Recover(metrics.LabelDomain, "PlanReplayerHandle", nil, false)
logutil.BgLogger().Info("PlanReplayerTaskCollectHandle exited.")
util.Recover(metrics.LabelDomain, "PlanReplayerTaskCollectHandle", nil, false)
for {
select {
case <-do.exit:
case <-tikcer.C:
err := do.planReplayerHandle.CollectPlanReplayerTask(context.Background())
err := do.planReplayerHandle.CollectPlanReplayerTask()
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("plan replayer handle collect tasks failed", zap.Error(err))
go func() {
defer func() {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("PlanReplayerTaskDumpHandle exited.")
util.Recover(metrics.LabelDomain, "PlanReplayerTaskDumpHandle", nil, false)
for {
select {
case <-do.exit:
case task := <-do.planReplayerHandle.planReplayerTaskDumpHandle.taskCH:

// GetPlanReplayerHandle returns plan replayer handle
Expand Down
188 changes: 163 additions & 25 deletions domain/plan_replayer.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,8 +16,10 @@ package domain

import (
Expand All @@ -33,7 +35,9 @@ import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,13 +126,24 @@ func (p *dumpFileGcChecker) gcDumpFilesByPath(path string, t time.Duration) {

type planReplayerHandle struct {

// HandlePlanReplayerDumpTask handle dump task
func (h *planReplayerHandle) HandlePlanReplayerDumpTask(task *PlanReplayerDumpTask) bool {
success := h.dumpPlanReplayerDumpTask(task)
if success {
return success

type planReplayerTaskCollectorHandle struct {
taskMu struct {
tasks map[PlanReplayerTaskKey]struct{}
ctx context.Context
sctx sessionctx.Context

Expand All @@ -153,48 +168,45 @@ func insertPlanReplayerStatus(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, reco
instance = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", serverInfo.IP, serverInfo.Port)
for _, record := range records {
if !record.Internal {
if len(record.FailedReason) > 0 {
insertExternalPlanReplayerErrorStatusRecord(ctx1, sctx, instance, record)
} else {
insertExternalPlanReplayerSuccessStatusRecord(ctx1, sctx, instance, record)
if len(record.FailedReason) > 0 {
insertPlanReplayerErrorStatusRecord(ctx1, sctx, instance, record)
} else {
insertPlanReplayerSuccessStatusRecord(ctx1, sctx, instance, record)

func insertExternalPlanReplayerErrorStatusRecord(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, instance string, record PlanReplayerStatusRecord) {
func insertPlanReplayerErrorStatusRecord(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, instance string, record PlanReplayerStatusRecord) {
exec := sctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor)
_, err := exec.ExecuteInternal(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(
"insert into mysql.plan_replayer_status (origin_sql, fail_reason, instance) values ('%s','%s','%s')",
record.OriginSQL, record.FailedReason, instance))
"insert into mysql.plan_replayer_status (sql_digest, plan_digest, origin_sql, fail_reason, instance) values ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')",
record.SQLDigest, record.PlanDigest, record.OriginSQL, record.FailedReason, instance))
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("insert mysql.plan_replayer_status record failed",

func insertExternalPlanReplayerSuccessStatusRecord(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, instance string, record PlanReplayerStatusRecord) {
func insertPlanReplayerSuccessStatusRecord(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, instance string, record PlanReplayerStatusRecord) {
exec := sctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor)
_, err := exec.ExecuteInternal(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(
"insert into mysql.plan_replayer_status (origin_sql, token, instance) values ('%s','%s','%s')",
record.OriginSQL, record.Token, instance))
"insert into mysql.plan_replayer_status (sql_digest, plan_digest, origin_sql, token, instance) values ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')",
record.SQLDigest, record.PlanDigest, record.OriginSQL, record.Token, instance))
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("insert mysql.plan_replayer_status record failed",

// CollectPlanReplayerTask collects all unhandled plan replayer task
func (h *planReplayerTaskCollectorHandle) CollectPlanReplayerTask(ctx context.Context) error {
ctx1 := kv.WithInternalSourceType(ctx, kv.InternalTxnStats)
allKeys, err := h.collectAllPlanReplayerTask(ctx1)
func (h *planReplayerTaskCollectorHandle) CollectPlanReplayerTask() error {
allKeys, err := h.collectAllPlanReplayerTask(h.ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
tasks := make([]PlanReplayerTaskKey, 0)
for _, key := range allKeys {
unhandled, err := checkUnHandledReplayerTask(ctx1, h.sctx, key)
unhandled, err := checkUnHandledReplayerTask(h.ctx, h.sctx, key)
if err != nil {
return err
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,6 +239,12 @@ func (h *planReplayerTaskCollectorHandle) setupTasks(tasks []PlanReplayerTaskKey
h.taskMu.tasks = r

func (h *planReplayerTaskCollectorHandle) removeTask(taskKey PlanReplayerTaskKey) {
defer h.taskMu.Unlock()
delete(h.taskMu.tasks, taskKey)

func (h *planReplayerTaskCollectorHandle) collectAllPlanReplayerTask(ctx context.Context) ([]PlanReplayerTaskKey, error) {
exec := h.sctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor)
rs, err := exec.ExecuteInternal(ctx, "select sql_digest, plan_digest from mysql.plan_replayer_task")
Expand All @@ -245,16 +263,96 @@ func (h *planReplayerTaskCollectorHandle) collectAllPlanReplayerTask(ctx context
for _, row := range rows {
sqlDigest, planDigest := row.GetString(0), row.GetString(1)
allKeys = append(allKeys, PlanReplayerTaskKey{
sqlDigest: sqlDigest,
planDigest: planDigest,
SQLDigest: sqlDigest,
PlanDigest: planDigest,
return allKeys, nil

type planReplayerTaskDumpHandle struct {
ctx context.Context
sctx sessionctx.Context
taskCH chan *PlanReplayerDumpTask

// DrainTask drain a task for unit test
func (h *planReplayerTaskDumpHandle) DrainTask() *PlanReplayerDumpTask {
return <-h.taskCH

// HandlePlanReplayerDumpTask handled the task
func (h *planReplayerTaskDumpHandle) dumpPlanReplayerDumpTask(task *PlanReplayerDumpTask) (success bool) {
taskKey := task.PlanReplayerTaskKey
unhandled, err := checkUnHandledReplayerTask(h.ctx, h.sctx, taskKey)
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("check plan replayer capture task failed",
zap.String("sqlDigest", taskKey.SQLDigest),
zap.String("planDigest", taskKey.PlanDigest),
return false
// the task is processed, thus we directly skip it.
if !unhandled {
return true

file, fileName, err := GeneratePlanReplayerFile()
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("generate plan replayer capture task file failed",
zap.String("sqlDigest", taskKey.SQLDigest),
zap.String("planDigest", taskKey.PlanDigest),
task.Zf = file
task.FileName = fileName
task.EncodedPlan, _ = task.EncodePlan(task.SessionVars.StmtCtx, false)
jsStats := make(map[int64]*handle.JSONTable)
is := GetDomain(h.sctx).InfoSchema()
for tblID, stat := range task.TblStats {
tbl, ok := is.TableByID(tblID)
if !ok {
return false
schema, ok := is.SchemaByTable(tbl.Meta())
if !ok {
return false
r, err := handle.GenJSONTableFromStats(schema.Name.String(), tbl.Meta(), stat.(*statistics.Table))
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("generate plan replayer capture task json stats failed",
zap.String("sqlDigest", taskKey.SQLDigest),
zap.String("planDigest", taskKey.PlanDigest),
return false
jsStats[tblID] = r
err = DumpPlanReplayerInfo(h.ctx, h.sctx, task)
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("dump plan replayer capture task result failed",
zap.String("sqlDigest", taskKey.SQLDigest),
zap.String("planDigest", taskKey.PlanDigest),
return false
return true

// SendTask send dumpTask in background task handler
func (h *planReplayerTaskDumpHandle) SendTask(task *PlanReplayerDumpTask) {
select {
case h.taskCH <- task:
// TODO: add metrics here
// directly discard the task if the task channel is full in order not to block the query process

func checkUnHandledReplayerTask(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, task PlanReplayerTaskKey) (bool, error) {
exec := sctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor)
rs, err := exec.ExecuteInternal(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("select * from mysql.plan_replayer_status where sql_digest = '%v' and plan_digest = '%v' and fail_reason is null", task.sqlDigest, task.planDigest))
rs, err := exec.ExecuteInternal(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("select * from mysql.plan_replayer_status where sql_digest = '%v' and plan_digest = '%v' and fail_reason is null", task.SQLDigest, task.PlanDigest))
if err != nil {
return false, err
Expand All @@ -274,26 +372,66 @@ func checkUnHandledReplayerTask(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, ta

// PlanReplayerStatusRecord indicates record in mysql.plan_replayer_status
type PlanReplayerStatusRecord struct {
Internal bool
SQLDigest string
PlanDigest string
OriginSQL string
Token string
FailedReason string

// PlanReplayerTaskKey indicates key of a plan replayer task
type PlanReplayerTaskKey struct {
sqlDigest string
planDigest string
SQLDigest string
PlanDigest string

// PlanReplayerDumpTask wrap the params for plan replayer dump
type PlanReplayerDumpTask struct {

// tmp variables stored during the query
EncodePlan func(*stmtctx.StatementContext, bool) (string, string)
TblStats map[int64]interface{}

// variables used to dump the plan
SessionBindings []*bindinfo.BindRecord
EncodedPlan string
FileName string
Zf *os.File
SessionVars *variable.SessionVars
TblStats map[int64]*handle.JSONTable
JSONTblStats map[int64]*handle.JSONTable
ExecStmts []ast.StmtNode
Analyze bool

FileName string
Zf *os.File

// GeneratePlanReplayerFile generates plan replayer file
func GeneratePlanReplayerFile() (*os.File, string, error) {
path := GetPlanReplayerDirName()
err := os.MkdirAll(path, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.AddStack(err)
fileName, err := generatePlanReplayerFileName()
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.AddStack(err)
zf, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(path, fileName))
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.AddStack(err)
return zf, fileName, err

func generatePlanReplayerFileName() (string, error) {
// Generate key and create zip file
time := time.Now().UnixNano()
b := make([]byte, 16)
//nolint: gosec
_, err := rand.Read(b)
if err != nil {
return "", err
key := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(b)
return fmt.Sprintf("", key, time), nil
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions domain/plan_replayer_dump.go
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Expand Up @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ func DumpPlanReplayerInfo(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context,

// Dump stats
if err = dumpStats(zw, pairs, task.TblStats, do); err != nil {
if err = dumpStats(zw, pairs, task.JSONTblStats, do); err != nil {
return err

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,9 +252,10 @@ func generateRecords(task *PlanReplayerDumpTask) []PlanReplayerStatusRecord {
if len(task.ExecStmts) > 0 {
for _, execStmt := range task.ExecStmts {
records = append(records, PlanReplayerStatusRecord{
OriginSQL: execStmt.Text(),
Token: task.FileName,
Internal: false,
SQLDigest: task.SQLDigest,
PlanDigest: task.PlanDigest,
OriginSQL: execStmt.Text(),
Token: task.FileName,
Expand Down

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